to N97: You will get a Christmas gift in the end of z week

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"Dear LaoTu,
After I submited the resume which you did a lot of revision on it, the results were good. I got several phone interviews and 4 on-site interviews.But I failed 2 of them because my interview skills. Then there is a really good one. I did the on-site about two weeks ago. Last week they asked for my transcrit. This morning I wrote a email to follow up. Then this is the response I got from them:
...(deleted by USA Laotu)...
So based on your experience, this is a good sign or not. I think this may be my last chance for this year. Thanks a lot for your help!"

-- Of course this is absolutely good!
-- You probably will get an offer (or something closer to the offer) in the end of this week!
-- What a good Christmas gift!
-- Congratulations!
