
"今天去参加一个化工公司senior process engineer的工作面试。感觉不太好。首先,由于HR发的direction不对,让我迟到了10分钟。面试第一轮是跟技术人员。他们非常猛烈地针对我不是很有经验的领域问了很多技术上的问题。我都尽力做了解答。但自己感觉非常不完美,因为不是自己很有经验的地方。后来跟hiring manager会面,都是一些resume上以及behavior的问题,因为有准备所以交流的很融洽。大家感觉有希望吗?另外,如果问一些我没有做过的,是不是就应该老老实实地交代没做过,而不要只强调自己知道的那个方面的东西?最后一个问题,写thank you letter要不要解释迟到原因?谢谢大家了!"

Dear Johnny,
I really appreciate that you gave me the chance to have interview with your team, I want to say thank you very much!
Although I was too nervous to answer all the technical questions during the interview, I am more confident after the interview that the job, team and the manager are what I really feel comfortable to work with, I will be a valuable member to the team in a short time.
I feel sorry that I was a bit late today due to the incorrect driving info, I am sure this kind of situation will not happen for my second interview and after I start work.

Please let me know when will be the time to visit your company again.

Thanks again and wish all of you have a very happy holiday season!

Sincerely Yours,

