is he really that smart?

来源: longterminvestor 2007-03-17 13:39:56 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1834 bytes)
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I think it is really important to let your hu*****and to realize that most of us are average people, and it is perfectly fine to be a nobody. If he can adopt this attitude, he will be humble, he will start to appreciate other people for whatever they do, and he will start to listen to other people, then he is really smart.

I think another thing that may help a depressed people is to have a strong body. When you are strong and very energeitc, it is hard to be depressed. I am kind of like your hu*****and, considering myself very smart and very sensitive, I feel very depressed when I am tired, and happy when I feels like I have a lot of energy inside me. So help your hu*****and to have a regular life style and regular exercise, your hu*****and will feel much better. Usually man like some kind of sports, for example I like to play badminton, playing sports may be easier than running or weight lifting.

Getting to know some good, considerate friends is very helpful too.

One more thing, if he feels boring or nothing to do, it is a good idea to start your own business, if he knows computers, he can start by helping people fixing computers and make some extra money. I feel extraordinary pride and happy after I fix computer problems for other people. Or he can start learning stock market, if you can make money on stock market, you do not need a job anymore. that is my dream, and I am working toward that. But investment in stocks is highly stressful, it is another kind of pressure than the pressure from work. He may be good at dealing this, who knows.

If you guys are in bay area, I would like to help you, I have been through long, severely long depressing periods, luckily, I got to know some nich people and standing backup stronger with the help of my fridends. Maybe there is really God out there.


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