终止国统/美态度转变要扁公开澄清 终统不等於废统

来源: tthota 2006-03-02 19:41:09 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2955 bytes)
终止国统/美态度转变要扁公开澄清 终统不等於废统
2006/03/03 10:03








以下为美国国务院网站发布的声明全文: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2006/62488.htm

Press Statement
Adam Ereli, Deputy Spokesman
Washington, DC
March 2, 2006

Taiwan Senior Taiwan Officials’ Comments on National Unification Council

We have seen reports that senior Taiwan officials have said, with respect to the National Unification Council, that there is no distinction between "abolish" and "ceasing activity" and that the effect of Taiwan’s action earlier this week was to abolish the Council.

We have been informed, however, that the reports misquoted Taiwan officials. We expect the Taiwan authorities publicly to correct the record and unambiguously affirm that the February 27 announcement did not abolish the National Unification Council, did not change the status quo, and that the assurances remain in effect.

Our understanding from the authorities in Taiwan was that the action Taiwan took on February 27 was deliberately designed not to change the status quo, as Chen Shui-bian made clear in his 7-point statement.

Abrogating an assurance would be changing the status quo, and that would be contrary to that understanding.

We believe the maintenance of Taiwan’s assurances is critical to preservation of the status quo. Our firm policy is that there should be no unilateral change in the status quo, as we have said many times.


Released on March 2, 2006


各位如有兴趣,翻翻在下这几天的贴。 -tthota- 给 tthota 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/02/2006 postreply 19:43:25

7-point statement:关键是连制宪都赔上了 -tthota- 给 tthota 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/02/2006 postreply 20:00:35

7-point statement: 看第四点 -tthota- 给 tthota 发送悄悄话 (1269 bytes) () 03/02/2006 postreply 20:31:38

不知道美国人是真傻还是假傻,你就让陈SB当众宣读一遍四不一没有就出 -鱼翔浅底- 给 鱼翔浅底 发送悄悄话 (80 bytes) () 03/02/2006 postreply 20:31:09

老美想给CSB下台阶,CSB手下的人见好不收,还卖乖 -tthota- 给 tthota 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/02/2006 postreply 20:34:54

问题是当自己不需要台阶时考虑别人是一种礼貌 -鱼翔浅底- 给 鱼翔浅底 发送悄悄话 (106 bytes) () 03/02/2006 postreply 20:48:29

联合报社论,几天前的,这才是明白人 -tthota- 给 tthota 发送悄悄话 (4388 bytes) () 03/02/2006 postreply 20:38:12

秀莲快熬成婆了 -tthota- 给 tthota 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/02/2006 postreply 20:54:07



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