I don't even know what you are arguing about.

来源: Warsteiner 2006-03-14 17:07:06 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1067 bytes)
回答: By the way, what young rookie did that super PJWarsteiner2006-03-14 16:29:01
All the players who played for JVG said they loved him. JVG is a fair and no-nonsense coach, that's why he's loved by his players. You really need to exam your fact sheets when you say something like "I didn't see any report about VGD had good relationship with players".

Check what ex Knicks players say about him, what SF say, what TMac say, what Yao Ming say, what other coaches say. Don't let your bias cover your eyes. He's not a cute coach, that doesn't mean he's a bad one.

PJ is better than JVG, no doubt about it. But there is only one Pj, and he's with Lakers. Besides, PJ is better than JVG doesn't mean he is better in every single aspect. He's never ever known to develop players, he's famous for taking ready team over the hump. He didn't developed MJ, Pippen, Shaq and Kobe. He never developed any young players. Yeah right, like a father. Just give me a name, a young player thrived under his guidence. He impose a system into ready players to make them play efficient team ball. He's a master of that. Don't just assume.


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