I don't think it is a good idea

Remember when you have DCS involved, it may dig up other things
about how you raise your kid. Let's say when DCS interview your
kid, your kid may say something about other punishments
the parents did in the past. The interviewer may mislead the kid
to say something about those punishments in such a way that
may lead the DCS to suspect the parents of child abuse.

If you really want to have DCS involved, I would suggest one
of the parents insist on present in the interview and furthermore
you have to limit the questions to the daycare only. If you don't
know how to do that, you are better off without DCS.


回复:I don't think it is a good idea -江南小镇不再- 给 江南小镇不再 发送悄悄话 (775 bytes) () 05/28/2006 postreply 18:52:43
