
来源: hotdog 2005-10-09 07:19:28 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (2285 bytes)
试。一次是学校面试。一次是猎头让我去纽约和quantitative group的VP面试。

hotdogjob.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=290) 讲了一点关于blackrock面试的经历。
这篇文章里还有first round with Morgan Stanley. Many people interviewed
by Blackrock went to the second round interview. Their majors are mainly
information technology. According to them interviews are not difficult.
Most of them are general talking, behaviroral type of questions. A couple
of VPs seem to be very good at technology, so they asked basic technical,
programming questions.

I guess you first round will depend on who will talk to you. You want to
make sure you can understand the basic technology questions from the conceptual
level. If they ask you what's the difference of C++ and Java" and you can
only give two points, you won't get to the next round.

Even though there are questions you don't know how to answer, don't get
panic. Ask them to eleborate on the questions to buy more time for you to
think. Tell them you once took a course on this sugject or you once used
that tool, but it was long time you haven't touched that topic. But you
believe with your strong learning ability, you will be able to pick it up
very quickly. you may also mention that you also had experiences of being
assigned to a project you had no knoweldge, but your learning ability helped
you to figure out the solutions quickly. In a word, when you don't know
how to answer a question, you want to convey the message that you are a quick
learner. Of course, if it is easy IT stuff, you are supposed to know.

modeling。 他问了很多C++的问题,什么matrix.... 他让我当场写C++ code。时候
想一下,很多都是和modeling里常用的data clearning, data manipulation有关。

如果你能回答上基本technial questions, 有很强的编程能力,并且在behaviroal问



实在是太感谢了!对我很有启发 -这就去再准备一下- 给 这就去再准备一下 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/09/2005 postreply 13:03:03



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