回复:Pleasehelp:Interview Questions

来源: hotdog 2005-09-27 13:06:00 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (5500 bytes)
I tried to write the following answers. not sure whether it is helpful. Let me know what you think.

• Tell me a time when it was difficult for you to tell the truth? What was the impact on your work group? Your credibility?

Analysis: think about it. There are many times in school and at work when it is hard for us to tell the truth. Pick a small example, describe the situation, tell how you dealt with the situation, what you have learned, how you have grown, and most importantly, show your credibility, honesty, and work ethics.

Sample answer: This reminds me of my experience on a client project. Half a year after I joined the team, I took major responsibility to develop a valuation model (if you are still are school, think about some TA, RA, or intern work you have done). I was excited about the opportunity to take the lead in a project and took great effort on the job. I worked days and nights, trying to deliver an excellent work product. The manger and partner reviewed the model and everything seemed to be fine. They thought highly of my work. Later, the client wanted to revise some of the input parameters. When I revised the model, I spotted some mistakes in the assumptions (give an example: I developed a quarterly model, but I used the annual discount rate). This mistake made the results off too much from the correct number. I was scared and didn’t want to tell the management and the client. Nobody knew it. I struggled and was afraid that I would let down my boss who trusted me so much. But I also believed the most important thing for an employee is honesty, credibility, and work ethics. The next day, I explained the mistake. Of course, my boss was not happy. Afterwards, he said he appreciated that I told the truth. I learned that I need to very careful with details. I have learned and grown from the mistake. On the future project, I did excellent job and regained the trust from the management.

• Give an example of how you have helped people develop to their fullest potential.

Analysis: It doesn’t have to be something big. Tell a story that shows your great interpersonal skills, great sense of responsibility, strong leadership and management skills. The person you helped could be a student in your TA class, research lab, co-worker at work, or member in your club.

Sample answer 1: I have had great experiences of working with different people. I remembered in my TA class – international economics, I had a student called Rita. She didn’t turn in the homework and was always absent from class. I told her that she might not be able to pass the class if she didn’t turn in her homework and didn’t show in class. She said there was too much math, and she got a headache when she listened to class. I asked what she wanted to do in the future. Probably because of the influence of her sister, she said college she wanted to help people in developing countries such as African countries. Quite an interesting girl. I later invited Ph.D. friends who worked as a member of the Peace Corp to share their experiences in developing countries, how to prepare for such experience, and how to make the great contribution to local people. Rita was very interested in that session. Later we had many discussions. I told her that “you don’t want to only contribute money or labor to help people, but most important, your knowledge. You want to go there, do research, understand issues, find solutions, and have their voice heard in the international organizations such as the United Nation (“UN”). The economic theories might look boring and mathematical, but that is really where you will gain your power to help people.” I later designed a UN panel discussion, assuming each student as representative to each country, asking them to do research, and discuss issues, and design solutions using theories we leaned from class. Rita became different. She started to like to the class and truly became interested in her dream. Today she is applying for Peace Corp and is planning to join a master program in development economics after the 2-year program. I am glad I was involved to help her get closer to her dream.

Sample answer 2: When I looked back, I feel grateful that I had many mentors who provide guidance to me, encourage me to grow, and help me to realize my full potential. I want to help other people as much as I can to realize their potential. Give an example. I was the peer advisor of a co-worker at AmeicaCorp. He was right out of college, very capable guy. But he was very shy and had no confidence with his communication skills. Whenever he talked, he face turned red. As a result, he seldom talked about his opinions in group discussion and never wanted to participate in a client conference call. I totally understood him. I have been there. I encouraged him to go to International Toastmasters, my speech club, and volunteered to be his coach. He was determined to change himself. His first speech was a disaster, but second one was better, then he gave the third … and the tenth. Many times he wanted to give up. I and other member in the club encouraged him a lot. He started to smile when he talked to people, more relaxed and confident. He is doing great now, never that shy boy again. I am glad that I can give back to other people when they need help.

more questions at: www.hotdogjob.com/forum


Thank you very much, Hotdog -help-pls- 给 help-pls 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/27/2005 postreply 13:45:19



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