My suggestions

1. Hang in there. You will not be in this team forever. Only 1.5 month more, you will be done with them. To drop out would make you look bad in other people's eyes.

2. Find time and talk with that girl privately. Tell her how you feel and ask her how you can work together to improve the situation.

When discussing with her, don't say something like "I feel you don't respect me, you don't trust me, and you don't put yourself into my shoes."

Say that "I feel that I was not respected and trusted. I think as a team, we should work together to get things done, we should take into account others' ideas, we should put ourselves into others' shoes and be respectful with each other. "

See the difference? Always say We instead of I. Avoid "You".

3. Seek support within the group. Make a alliance with your supporters if you want to fight back .

4. Always say positive things in front of the people. Even you don't like the work they did, set the stage by saying "good job" or "it looks great". Then, raise your ideas.

5. Speak out your feels with your close friends or faculties seeking moral support. However, make sure no one would gossip around. You don't want them to solve the problem for you. You'd feel better if you talk about the issue with someone.

5. Take it easy. Ultimately, it's just homework.


回复:My suggestions -fenger- 给 fenger 发送悄悄话 (1033 bytes) () 11/04/2004 postreply 22:08:09

Why don't you set an appointme -Darma- 给 Darma 发送悄悄话 (357 bytes) () 11/04/2004 postreply 22:25:10
