I just don't feel comfortable when found out her American phone number has been disconnected.
Will update the HR with her email address and see if I need find someone else.
Thanks a lot for your patient response!!
Good night!
I just don't feel comfortable when found out her American phone number has been disconnected.
Will update the HR with her email address and see if I need find someone else.
Thanks a lot for your patient response!!
Good night!
别人的帮助是 courtesy,不是 obligation。人有更重要的事,当然你的事要靠后。你也会一样。变通着来。
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09/28/2017 postreply
是, 我的明白. 哪怕她不及时回复也可理解.我是担心去做背景调查的部门或HR的人 遇到不及时回复的情况会怎么办? RED FLA
(231 bytes)
09/28/2017 postreply
这事不归你管。这么小小的 surprise 都吓成这样,怎么做大事啊。
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09/28/2017 postreply
好吧, 做大事的人不管小节, 睡觉去了. 多谢,晚安!
(169 bytes)
09/28/2017 postreply
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