here: see the bold faced.

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回答: For example?一年以前2015-07-28 14:41:43
At the beginning:
我是美国退役空军少将查尔斯·斯文尼。我是唯一一位参加了两次对日本原子轰炸的飞行员。  在对广岛的轰炸中,担任驾驶员蒂贝茨上校的右座领航员,在对长崎的轰炸中,任编队指挥员。 

的偏见不符。 "

1) Original
"I am Maj. Gen. Charles W. Sweeney, United States Air Force, Retired. I am the 
only pilot to have flown on both atomic missions. I flew the instrument plane on 
the right wing of General Paul Tibbets on the Hiroshima mission and 3 days later, 
on August 9, 1945, commanded the second atomic mission over Nagasaki. Six 
days after Nagasaki the Japanese military surrendered and the Second World War 
came to an end. 

The soul of a nation, its essence, is its history. It is that collective memory which 
defines what each generation thinks and believes about itself and its country. 

In a free society, such as ours, there is always an ongoing debate about who we 
are and what we stand for. This open debate is in fact essential to our freedom. 
But to have such a debate we as a society must have the courage to consider all 
of the facts available to us. We must have the courage to stand up and demand 
that before any conclusions are reached, those facts which are beyond question 
are accepted as part of the debate. 

As the 50th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki missions approaches, 
now is an appropriate time to consider the reasons for Harry Truman's order that 
these missions be flown. We may disagree on the conclusion, but let us at least 
be honest enough to agree on basic facts of the time, the facts that President 
Truman had to consider in making a difficult and momentous decision. 

As the only pilot to have flown both missions, and having commanded the 
Nagasaki mission, I bring to this debate my own eyewitness account of the times. 
I underscore what I believe are irrefutable facts, with full knowledge that some 
opinion makers may cavalierly dismiss them because they are so obvious — be- 
cause they interfere with their preconceived version of the truth, and the meaning 
which they strive to impose on the missions. "

"50年过去了,在某些人看来日本成为受害者,美军成为凶残成性的征服者和报复者;原子弹的使用是核时代的不正义、 不道德的起点。自然,为了支撑这种歪曲,他们必然要故意无视事实或者编造新的材料以证明这种论调。 其中最令人吃惊的行经之一,就是否认日军曾进行过大屠杀。"

2) Original
"With the fog of 50 years drifting over the memory of our country, to some, the 
Japanese are now the victims. America was the insatiable, vindictive aggressor 
seeking revenge and conquest. Our use of these weapons was the unjustified and 
immoral starting point for the nuclear age with all of its horrors. Of course, to 
support such distortion, one must conveniently ignore the real facts or fabricate 
new realities to fit the theories. It is no less egregious than those who today deny  the Holocaust occurred. "


3) Original
"Fifty years after their defeat, Japanese officials have the temerity to claim they 
were the victims. That Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the equivalent of the 

"通过精心策划的政治和公关活动,日本现在建议使用“太平洋胜利日”来取代“对日本胜利日”这一术语。 他们说,这一术语将会使太平洋战争的结束不那么特别与日本有关。




4) "The Japanese in a well orchestrated political and public relations campaign have now proposed that the use of the term "V-J Day" be replaced by the more benign "Victory in the Pacific Day". How convenient. This they claim will make the commemoration of the end of the war in the Pacific less "Japan specific."
An op-ed piece written by Dorothy Rabinowitz appearing in the April 5 Wall Street Journal accurately sums up this outrage: The reason it appears, is that some Japanese find the reference disturbing — and one can see why. The term, especially the "J" part, does serve to remind the world of the identity of the nation whose defeat millions celebrated in August 1945. In further deference to Japanese sensitivities, a U.S. official (who wisely chose to remain unidentified) also announced, with reference to the planned ceremonies.

that "our whole effort in this thing is to commemorate an event, not celebrate a  victory."   Some might argue so what's in a word — Victory over Japan, Victory in the  Pacific — Let's celebrate an event, not a victory.   I say everything is in a word. Celebrate an EVENT! 

Kind of like celebrating the opening of a shopping mall rather than the end of 
a war that engulfed the entire Earth — which left countless millions dead and 
countless millions more physically or mentally wounded and countless more 
millions displaced. 

This assault on the use of language is Orwellian and is the tool by which history 
and memory are blurred. Words can be just as destructive as any weapon. 

Up is Down. 

Slavery is Freedom. 

Aggression is Peace. "

There are many others very poor translations, the translator didn't even do a decent job.


You know there are 2 versions of the original, don't you? -一年以前- 给 一年以前 发送悄悄话 (682 bytes) () 07/28/2015 postreply 16:53:20

As for making a better translation -bi-elliptic- 给 bi-elliptic 发送悄悄话 (168 bytes) () 07/28/2015 postreply 19:15:59

What you need to do at the first place is: -一年以前- 给 一年以前 发送悄悄话 (3368 bytes) () 07/28/2015 postreply 19:38:45

you meant the prepared statement of Maj. Gen. Sweeney, right? -bi-elliptic- 给 bi-elliptic 发送悄悄话 (69 bytes) () 07/28/2015 postreply 20:57:24

How come you failed to notice the impromptu by Gen. Sweeney? -一年以前- 给 一年以前 发送悄悄话 (60 bytes) () 07/28/2015 postreply 21:33:25

Wait a minute. This is not a legitimate answer to my question. M -一年以前- 给 一年以前 发送悄悄话 (1678 bytes) () 07/28/2015 postreply 23:26:40

not sure what your question is. -bi-elliptic- 给 bi-elliptic 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2015 postreply 01:15:48

Dyslexia symptom. See your doctor A.S.A.P. -一年以前- 给 一年以前 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2015 postreply 10:36:28
