Has anyone used Redbird math online course?

来源: elfie 2017-05-17 06:56:27 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (431 bytes)

Is it easy to use? I've signed my daughter in the kindergarten course. It seems too easy at the beginning according to the overview. Is there a placement test to get the child to the right level? 

My daughter isn't very good at arithmetic, using fingers counting to do additions within 10. Doesn't quite understand how to subtract. Would this course help her to a more advanced level.


没听说过这个网站。现在各种学习资料多如牛毛,我都懒得打听了,反正我家的买了也不做。 -篱笆08- 给 篱笆08 发送悄悄话 篱笆08 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/17/2017 postreply 07:05:37

題目的英文好像不對,還是我的英文有問題? -心意合一- 给 心意合一 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/17/2017 postreply 07:06:05

