
来源: 小三儿她姐 2019-09-30 13:35:25 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (4278 bytes)
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回答: 中年人一身病怎么办小落2019-09-29 15:47:52

1 可能是慢性咽喉炎吧,是几年前得了一次支气管炎后留下的,白天不明显,晚上躺下喉咙口有痰,半夜有时会突然喉咙痒要咳嗽咳醒

Factors that can increase a person's risk of pharyngitis include:

  • having a history of allergies
  • having a history of frequent sinus infections
  • smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke

2 不明原因的慢性腹泻大概快5年了,吃了辣的冷的油的或者稍微吃多了就会腹泻,365天几乎没几天是不泻的,是不是有必要做个肠镜?

Causes of explosive diarrhea can include viral infections, bacterial infections, and food allergies. The viruses most often responsible for diarrhea include norovirus, rotavirus, or any number of the viruses that cause viral gastroenteritis. This condition is what many people call the "stomach flu."

In most cases, diarrhea can be treated at home and it will resolve itself in a few days. Drink plenty of fluids, and follow the "BRAT" diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) to help ease symptoms. Take care to ensure infants and children stay hydrated. Electrolyte solutions such as Pedialyte can be helpful.

3 前几年一到冬季就发唇炎,最近两年不知道为啥嘴上很少长大泡了,长到了外阴上,几乎每次例假前都长一个巨大的水泡在外阴上,很痛,是一个不是一片,看了看也不像是生殖器疱疹,lg没有这种疱疹,可他近期发过带状疱疹,难道他带状疱疹和我有关? 这个也是口唇疱疹引起的吗? 去看妇科医生可以给化验吗?真是难以启齿

Cold sores — also called fever blisters — are a common viral infection. They are tiny, fluid-filled blisters on and around your lips. These blisters are often grouped together in patches. After the blisters break, a crust forms over the resulting sore. Cold sores usually heal in two to four weeks without leaving a scar.

Cold sores spread from person to person by close contact, such as kissing. They're caused by a herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) closely related to the one that causes genital herpes (HSV-2). Both of these viruses can affect your mouth or genitals and can be spread by oral sex. Cold sores are contagious even if you don't see the sores.

There's no cure for HSV infection, and the blisters may return. Antiviral medications can help cold sores heal more quickly and may reduce how often they return.

When to see a doctor

Cold sores generally clear up without treatment. See your doctor if:

  • You have a weakened immune system
  • The cold sores don't heal within two weeks
  • Symptoms are severe
  • You have frequent recurrences of cold sores
  • You experience irritation in your eyes

4 小腿上静脉曲张,不是很厉害,早期程度,下蹲运动和快走可以缓解吗?

--  我爸爸快81岁了, 他四十多岁开始有小腿静脉曲张, 现在很严重, 医生建议手术, 他不想做. 小腿静脉曲张从未影响过他的工作和生活. 他现在还在全日制上班.   https://www.zhihu.com/question/38636977 

读了你的帖, 我感觉你有可能有食物过敏. 先避免五大过敏源, 面/奶/坚果/海鲜/玉米. 我本人还对某些水果过敏, 你做个记录, 看看吃完什么东西后拉肚子.  人的毛病很多来自于肠胃, 主要是对食物过敏引起的.


多谢 -小落- 给 小落 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/30/2019 postreply 14:49:00



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