Pentosan Polysulfate, 一种新药用来治疗骨性关节炎 (ZT)

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ISSN: 2167-7921
Journal of Arthritis
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Pentosan Polysulfate as a Disease Modifier of Cartilage Degeneration in Experimental Osteoarthritis

Ahmed M Elmesiry1*, Magdi A Seleim2, Ali A Mansour3 and David Cullis-Hill4

1Diagnostic Imaging and Endoscopy, Animal Reproduction Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, 12556 Haram, Giza, Egypt

2Department of Surgery, Kafrelsheikh University, 33156 Kafrelsheikh, Egypt

3Department of Anatomy, Kafrelsheikh University, 33156 Kafrelsheikh, Egypt

4Sylvan Scientific Pty Ltd, 111 Bronte Rd, Bondi Junction, Sydney, NSW 2022, Australia

*Corresponding Author:
Ahmed M Elmesiry
Researcher, Animal Reproduction Research Institute Diagnostic Imaging and Endoscopy
5 El-Aharam Garden st, Al- Haram, Giza 12556, Egypt
Tel: +201062099431

Received date: May 03, 2016; Accepted date: May 20, 2016; Published date: May 31, 2016

Citation: Elmesiry AM, Seleim MA, Mansour AA, Hill DC (2016) Pentosan Polysulfate as a Disease Modifier of Cartilage Degeneration in Experimental Osteoarthritis. J Arthritis 5:199. doi:10.4172/2167-7921.1000199

Copyright: © 2016 Elmesiry AM, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Reasons for performing study: Disease modifying drugs for Osteoarthritis (OA) is an important trend of development of an appropriate therapeutic protocol for both human and animal. To date no ideal OA treatment protocol has been described. Objectives: To assess clinical, histologic, and biochemical effects of sodium pentosan polysulfate (NaPPS) administered intramuscullary (IM) for treatment of experimentally induced osteoarthritis in donkeys. Study design: OA was induced using repeated injection of allogenous donkey cartilage. Six donkeys received NaPPS (3 mg/kg, IM) on study days 70, 77, 84, and 91. Six control donkeys received the same volume of saline (0.9% w/v NaCl) IM on study days 70, 77, 84, and 91. Clinical, gross, histologic, histochemical, and biochemical findings as well as synovial fluid analysis were evaluated. Methods of testing hypotheses: Lameness score, carpal circumference, joint flexion angle, Synovial fluid analysis, light and scanning electron microscopy were evaluated. Results: Induction of osteoarthritis caused increase in the lameness score, joint circumference,synovial fluid calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, total protein and leukocyte count and cartilage damage. NaPPS treatment significantly reduced synovial fluid Ca, Mg, P and cartilage damage. Conclusions: NaPPS resulted in significant improvement in clinical signs and articular cartilage healing, and no adverse effects were detected confirming that NaPPS has disease-modifying properties. Potential relevance: NaPPS is a suitable therapeutic option for osteoarthritis in equines.



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Surprising New Treatment Beats Arthritis Pain -御用文人- 给 御用文人 发送悄悄话 (27048 bytes) () 01/11/2018 postreply 00:27:02

好消息。原来兽医早就知道。我以前的一个同事告诉我,有些兽医用的药,兽医私下给自己家人和朋友用。有效但违法。 -欲千北- 给 欲千北 发送悄悄话 欲千北 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2018 postreply 05:49:57

Glucosamine 也是最先在家养的瘸腿老狗身上用的,后转为人用。 -御用文人- 给 御用文人 发送悄悄话 (224 bytes) () 01/11/2018 postreply 17:10:33

是直接注射到关节附近吗? -viewfinder- 给 viewfinder 发送悄悄话 viewfinder 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2018 postreply 06:15:25

有直接注入关节。但大多数肌肉注射,效果很好。 -欲千北- 给 欲千北 发送悄悄话 欲千北 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2018 postreply 06:21:12

也许还可以制成药膏外用。 -viewfinder- 给 viewfinder 发送悄悄话 viewfinder 的博客首页 (86 bytes) () 01/11/2018 postreply 09:44:11

这是一个大方向,小分子的药品加上 Azone,丙二酸,薄荷脑或DMSO 渗透剂,有可能携带一小部分药物进入到真皮。。。 -御用文人- 给 御用文人 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2018 postreply 17:55:52

要医生处方吗? -桃花好运- 给 桃花好运 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2018 postreply 08:55:26

要,美国是用它治疗间质性膀胱炎,不是关节炎。。。 -御用文人- 给 御用文人 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/14/2018 postreply 00:47:58

2008-2010 就开始 open clinical trial了,好长的路啊! -Gbdjw- 给 Gbdjw 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2018 postreply 08:24:04

老药,不赚钱。药厂不作为。 -欲千北- 给 欲千北 发送悄悄话 欲千北 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2018 postreply 08:59:17

FDA批准一个新药,药厂要被磨到扒层皮。这就是为什么新药这么贵,clinical trial真能让人倾家荡产的。 -cxz2509- 给 cxz2509 发送悄悄话 cxz2509 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2018 postreply 19:29:31


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