理论上是HDL高好, 给自己测一下吧:

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回答: 请教健坛HDL 高出很多需要担心吗?路过1232016-02-19 14:22:32

Risk Assessment Tool for Estimating Your 10-year Risk of Having a Heart Attack


Because HDL cholesterol protects against heart disease, the goal is to raise the level as high as you can. Aiming for an HDL level of 60 milligrams/dL is just a guideline and if you can get it even higher, all the better. A physician will need to review your individual overall health to determine the actual risk for heart disease. The Cleveland Clinic suggests that patients with a total cholesterol level of up to 240 milligrams/dL, with a high HDL level, may not be at risk for disease. Because each case is different, always talk with a physician about your high HDL levels, as genetic conditions and illnesses that cause dangerously high levels of all types of cholesterol.





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