Retype what I want to say

来源: Dr-Doctor 2004-08-19 19:59:29 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (789 bytes)
回答: 会不会铁过量? (图)baoma1232004-08-19 04:12:31
Please read the original writing; "由于老公口腔溃疡很严重,每个月都要溃疡一到两次,听朋友推荐吃维生素。但买
Multivitamins时错买了Multivitamins+Iron. 而且我已经打开瓶盖,不能退货了。
请问这还能给老公服用吗?Iron的含量是14mg,老公服用会不会铁过量,会引起什么样的后果呢? 多谢给与指导。"

they only bought one bottle. How much in one bottle? I don't know. Perhaps 100 tabs in total?

Say if they bought 100 tabs, the maximal amount of iron in these 100 tabs will be 1400 mg, right?

How much will these 1400 mg be absorbed through the digestive system? Probably 1/10th on everage, right?

I doubt the person who takes this much iron will overdose with iron. Of course, he may not need supplymental iron if he eats a balanced diet.

What do you think?


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