Gardasil 里头肯定没有味精,含铝是因为氢氧化铝是

来源: 长女 2015-01-04 17:58:11 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1088 bytes)
使疫苗能够在体内引起免疫系统对 HPV 产生更多的抗体从而不被 HPV 感染。
自从有人质疑疫苗的安全性后,大部分疫苗已不再加 Thimerasol (含汞的防腐剂),加福尔马林是为了将病毒杀活。自闭症有很多可能成因,有遗传,有环境因素,和现在人们晚婚晚育也可能有关。但很多peer reviewed research results already prove MMR does not cause autism. But the mis-information is so widely spread, many refuse to vaccinate their children and cause out breaks that kill quite a few children.
Back to HPV, the recent reports of celebrities such as Michael Douglas and JP Morgan CEO that have throat cancer could have been caused by HPV as well. It's well known that men are HPV carriers.
By the way, if anyone is over 50 and had chicken poxbefore, you might be prone to develop shingles which I heard is really nasty. If it happens to be in the eyes, you could even go blind. Saw one commercial about the shingle vaccine, the picture of someone having shingles was really awful.


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