纽约时报: 埃博拉是何时抵达美国并在达拉斯医院传播的?

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图文来源: Ebola Facts: When Did Ebola Arrive and Spread at a Dallas Hospital?

为救助美国第一位埃博拉患者Mr. Duncan,已经先后有两名护士感染了埃博拉病毒。纽约时报用图分析了经过: 9月19日Duncan经体温检查OK后从利比里亚飞往美国。9月20日抵达美国。9月24日出现症状,也就是进入了传染期。9月25日他到医院求医后被送回家。9月28日再次入院进入隔离到30日确诊之间的三天是最高危的。两名护士就是在此时"中枪"的。

Nina Pham and Amber Joy Vinson contracted Ebola while treating Thomas Eric Duncan, a Liberian man who traveled to Dallas. Both nurses were with him during what federal health officials have called the highest risk period, when he was vomiting and having diarrhea.


What is the United States doing to make sure that Ebola does not spread?
New screening protocols have begun at five U.S. airports: Kennedy International, Washington Dulles International, O’Hare International, Hartsfield-Jackson International and Newark Liberty International. Travelers from West Africa have their temperatures taken and are questioned about their possible exposure to Ebola.

The C.D.C. has also announced that a site manager would be sent immediately to any U.S. hospital treating Ebola patients to oversee all aspects of infection control, including making sure that health officials properly remove protection gear.

How contagious is the virus?

Officials have emphasized that there is no risk of transmission from people who have been exposed to the virus but are not yet showing symptoms. Ebola spreads through direct contact with bodily fluids. A cough from a sick person could infect someone who has been sprayed with saliva. Specialists at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta have also found that the virus is present on a patient’s skin after symptoms develop, underlining how contagious the disease is once symptoms set in.

According to the C.D.C., the virus can survive for a few hours on dry surfaces like doorknobs and countertops and can survive for several days in puddles or other collections of body fluid. Bleach solutions can kill it.

昨日CDC与全美各地医院的头和ID(感染专科)医生开了一上午的视像会议(各地专科医生与CDC人员的问与答/交流/建议等......),今天上午8 AM---12 Noon ER和ICU不上班的医务人员先集中培训,上班的人12---4PM轮流单独培训。穿/脱CDC建议的"太空服"。
