这个律师说: this i believe (zt)

来源: 胡桃架子- 2008-10-23 13:01:58 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3911 bytes)
前几天npr上听到的,一个defense lawyer说:I am a law professor now. I teach my students to be proud to defend anyone, no matter what they may have done. I want them to stand up for the world's Saddam Husseins and Osama bin Ladens, for America's accused rapists and murderers and thieves. I want my students to fight for them — ethically, but with all the fierce determination, talent and skill that they have.

Everyone Deserves Defense
by Peter Keane

"Would you defend Saddam Hussein? How about Hitler? Would you be his lawyer?"

People ask me this all the time; the names of the bad guys change, but the question is always the same. My answer is always, "Yes, I would." It has to be. Because I believe everyone, no matter what they have done, deserves to have one person on their side.

I've spent most of my life as a criminal defense attorney. For 20 years, I was a public defender. My clients committed every kind of terrible crime imaginable. I defended each one of them with every ounce of skill, creativity and tenacity that I had.

In the end, most of my clients were convicted of something. For that is simply the nature of the criminal justice system: it's an uphill struggle for anyone who is charged with a crime. All of the power and resources of the state, the police and the prosecution are hurled against that one person. And the only thing protecting that person is one lawyer.

But despite the odds, there were a number of people whom I helped to go free. Sometimes I convinced a judge to throw out a case because of a legal defect. Sometimes I convinced a jury to return a verdict of "not guilty."

Many of those people that I helped acquit were guilty. Some went on to commit other crimes. One client found not guilty of murder killed another person shortly after his release. I defended him again the second time around. He was convicted, but not because I defended him with any less vigor.

How do I feel about the 30 years I did this work? I am proud of it.

Did my conscience wrestle with me in a moral dialogue? Sure.

In courtrooms I confronted victims whose lives, bodies and often whose very souls had been forever shattered. Sometimes, in their eyes, I saw members of my own family. Sometimes, I saw myself. The battle within me was fierce, and it took its toll in sleepless nights, anxiety and depression. But in the end, my belief in what I was doing prevailed over my misgivings.

I know that most people have great difficulty understanding this. Indeed, many are horrified by it. But reflect for a moment: There is one key mechanism in our society that protects and maintains all of our freedoms. It is that we go by the rule that whenever someone does something that we condemn, no matter what it is, he still gets one person to speak up for him.

Take away this protection and all our other democratic rights, which are so carefully woven into the constitutional design of our republic, become meaningless. Without resistance from lawyers who represent people being prosecuted, all freedom is ultimately lost, because it is the natural human tendency of those who wield power to abuse those without it.

I am a law professor now. I teach my students to be proud to defend anyone, no matter what they may have done. I want them to stand up for the world's Saddam Husseins and Osama bin Ladens, for America's accused rapists and murderers and thieves. I want my students to fight for them — ethically, but with all the fierce determination, talent and skill that they have.

One person on your side, no matter what you've done: That's what keeps us a free people. That's what I believe.

resource: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=95895379


I believe that too, that's the meaning of public defense. -毕小珠-- 给 毕小珠- 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:03:11

:) -胡桃架子-- 给 胡桃架子- 发送悄悄话 胡桃架子- 的博客首页 (61 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:17:28

是得给他找个可以无条件接纳他的人,你亲家家或俺家怎么样?:) -毕小珠-- 给 毕小珠- 发送悄悄话 (44 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:19:50

啊?你们还没干妈啊? -jellybean3- 给 jellybean3 发送悄悄话 jellybean3 的博客首页 (56 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:22:44

5555,我们也没有耶~~~ -胡桃架子-- 给 胡桃架子- 发送悄悄话 胡桃架子- 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:23:50

不嫌弃,偶可以做啊!? -jellybean3- 给 jellybean3 发送悄悄话 jellybean3 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:27:26

哈哈哈哈,这样我是不是和果妈也结亲了? -jellybean3- 给 jellybean3 发送悄悄话 jellybean3 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:28:13

欧也~~~大家都看见了:) -胡桃架子-- 给 胡桃架子- 发送悄悄话 胡桃架子- 的博客首页 (65 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:29:20

呵呵,你儿子不是马上9可以babysit了吗? -jellybean3- 给 jellybean3 发送悄悄话 jellybean3 的博客首页 (34 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:32:39

赫赫,不客气。你要不嫌teen娃烦人,就让他baby sitter 吧:) -胡桃架子-- 给 胡桃架子- 发送悄悄话 胡桃架子- 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:35:40

我们也有baby时认的干妈,但基本上跟她亲妈想法差不多 -毕小珠-- 给 毕小珠- 发送悄悄话 (88 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:54:07

嗯。。。 -胡桃架子-- 给 胡桃架子- 发送悄悄话 胡桃架子- 的博客首页 (80 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:23:04

这样的律师就像中国的清官一样,令人敬佩 -H&CMom- 给 H&CMom 发送悄悄话 H&CMom 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:12:41

这样的律师很多阿~~~ -胡桃架子-- 给 胡桃架子- 发送悄悄话 胡桃架子- 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:17:54

还有更多的不是这样的 -H&CMom- 给 H&CMom 发送悄悄话 H&CMom 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:51:21

it is not 清官, it is professional. YOU HAVE to -noworry- 给 noworry 发送悄悄话 noworry 的博客首页 (32 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:23:30

不想跟自以为是的人talk -H&CMom- 给 H&CMom 发送悄悄话 H&CMom 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:52:19

Of course, very professional. -jellybean3- 给 jellybean3 发送悄悄话 jellybean3 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:18:34

I agree with with this layer and prodessor who is -noworry- 给 noworry 发送悄悄话 noworry 的博客首页 (113 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:22:13

嗯,俺难得大力支持你一回哈:D -胡桃架子-- 给 胡桃架子- 发送悄悄话 胡桃架子- 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:30:19

thanks -noworry- 给 noworry 发送悄悄话 noworry 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:35:35

Bingo! -why-why- 给 why-why 发送悄悄话 why-why 的博客首页 (25 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 13:59:30



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