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写完最后一张捐款支票,老爸看了一下银行户头的balance, 拿起女儿打印出来的大学一年两万八千的费用清单,告诉老妈:我们有足够能付女儿第一年的学费。看来,我们得大量减少往退休金账户存钱了。一向不过问家里账单的老妈担心地问:能支撑下去吗?。。。

吃晚饭的时候,老爸就开始了家庭财经会议:“So, everybody, I looked our financial situation for next 5 years, it is going to be tough, but manageable. Dad and mom will have to stop saving for retirement, and transfer the money to J.J.'s college cost. We are going to cut some of our budget, such as J.J.'s piano lesson and dinning in restaurent. Mom recently changed job and took the option of hourly-pay so she can work extra hours. J.J. will have to share more resposibility at home for mom, so mom can have more time to work. J.J. will also take part-time job in college and full-time job during summer break. It is dad and mom's priority to get J.J. out of college debt-free. Litte brother's job is keeping working hard in school. We may have to compromise some of our joy, but not our family value. ”

“So we are still supporting grand parents in China, right?”女儿看着老爸刚刚打点好,准备寄给奶奶的药物包裹,问老爸。

“Of course, it is my obligation.”老爸回答。

“Then, are you and mom expecting me to support you when you retire, and brother when he is in college?”女儿开老爸的玩笑了。

“It is different to my mom and grandma and grandpa in Shanghai. They had no chance to save for theire retirement. For your mom and I, if we had to depend on you, it would be a failure for me. So I will take care of my own retirement. I do hope you can help your brother out by the time he goes to college. However, how much is your decision. Don;t worry the long-term future yet. The best you can do for the next few years is working hard. If you can finish the college in 4 years ( 5 years program) or work hard to get some scholarships.”老爸告诉女儿。

儿子说:“But, dad, I still have a Subway award coupon from school. It is free. So I can still go to restaurent for it, right?”

“Sure, sure. If you keep earning this type of coupon, you are honored to go. Mom will take you there for this type of award. If you work hard now, you may earn a free college ride in the future.”老爸让儿子宽心。

“You have to be the No.1 to get college free, right? J.J did not get it. It is pretty hard, I guess.”儿子问。

“They are many No.1s, No.1 from your class, No.1 from your school, or even from your school district. So, you have to keep working hard.”老爸给儿子解释。







绕了半天,到底去哪了? -红棉袄- 给 红棉袄 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 13:38:00

这是五月十八号的事情。前一阵太忙,又因药物反应太累,就没贴这里。 -A-mao- 给 A-mao 发送悄悄话 A-mao 的博客首页 (10 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 13:41:03

这个2W多是Wellesley的费用? -红棉袄- 给 红棉袄 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 13:45:58

No, for business school. -A-mao- 给 A-mao 发送悄悄话 A-mao 的博客首页 (106 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 13:48:39

很为你D高兴,上威斯里。 -2horse- 给 2horse 发送悄悄话 (134 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 13:51:16

There are 12 colleges for co-registered for classes, -A-mao- 给 A-mao 发送悄悄话 A-mao 的博客首页 (205 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 13:56:47

恭喜恭喜。太羡慕了。可以透露下你女儿的大致stats吗? -enjoyer- 给 enjoyer 发送悄悄话 (50 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 15:12:04

Daughter is just an average kids. -A-mao- 给 A-mao 发送悄悄话 A-mao 的博客首页 (85 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 15:59:55

不可能是average kid!等待中。 -enjoyer- 给 enjoyer 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 17:22:19

回复:家庭财经会议 -Big_Benz- 给 Big_Benz 发送悄悄话 (649 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 15:13:30

Thanks. -A-mao- 给 A-mao 发送悄悄话 A-mao 的博客首页 (207 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 16:03:15

恭喜阿猫。W很适合你女儿。 -也是妈妈- 给 也是妈妈 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 16:17:14

多谢!希望她不后悔自己的选择。 -A-mao- 给 A-mao 发送悄悄话 A-mao 的博客首页 (115 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 16:36:05

恭喜! -soccermom- 给 soccermom 发送悄悄话 soccermom 的博客首页 (43 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 20:15:53

哈哈~~ -蓝调- 给 蓝调 发送悄悄话 蓝调 的博客首页 (28 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 20:43:49

:) -soccermom- 给 soccermom 发送悄悄话 soccermom 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 20:53:41

祝贺 -蓝调- 给 蓝调 发送悄悄话 蓝调 的博客首页 (38 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 20:46:04

Congratulations! -AugustMom- 给 AugustMom 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 20:48:14

恭喜啊! -陈默- 给 陈默 发送悄悄话 陈默 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 20:49:04

祝贺啊。真是好消息。 -britannica- 给 britannica 发送悄悄话 britannica 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 21:38:54

祝贺! -laoyangdelp- 给 laoyangdelp 发送悄悄话 laoyangdelp 的博客首页 (27 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 21:53:01

你和女儿都那么grounded, 真不容易!She deserves it。 Congrats~~ -wikiki- 给 wikiki 发送悄悄话 wikiki 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/26/2008 postreply 22:25:52

Congratulations! you and your daughter deserve this! -kitty99- 给 kitty99 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/27/2008 postreply 05:28:41

恭喜! -ThreeKidsMom- 给 ThreeKidsMom 发送悄悄话 ThreeKidsMom 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/27/2008 postreply 09:06:16

祝贺, 恭喜. -事事随缘- 给 事事随缘 发送悄悄话 事事随缘 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/27/2008 postreply 09:29:10

Thanks to all above for your kind words, -A-mao- 给 A-mao 发送悄悄话 A-mao 的博客首页 (58 bytes) () 05/27/2008 postreply 16:33:20
