1. 指定受益人(Beneficiary) 是老大
If you are named as the beneficiary on a bank account and the account holder passes away, there is no need to go through the probate court to have the funds transferred to you. If you designate a beneficiary on a bank account, that overrides a Will.
a) 一般来说,公司的401K/403B退休金账户默认受益人是配偶(当然可以选孩子或他人做第二受益人);如果不想给配偶,要填特殊的表格,夫妻双方同意才可以。
b) 有些账户,比如员工内部股票账户,不能在账户里指定受益人,只能写在遗嘱里。我自己公司的就是这样。
c) 不要把401K/403B放在自己家的Trust里,不然可能当时就启动收入税(这个太吓人了~)
When you transfer a retirement asset to a trust, the transaction may be treated as if you’ve cashed out the account. This can trigger income taxes on these assets.
2. 遗嘱和信托
信托分两种:Living Trust = Revocable Trust / Irrevocable Trust,做第一种就够了,随时可以改动。据说Irrevocable的有些税务优势,这个我没研究过。
3. 在绝大多数州,做不做信托和孩子日后财产分配(比如离婚)无关。只要遗产保持"seperate property"状态,大多数州遗产不参与离婚分配。
In the overwhelming majority states, an inheritance is considered separate property, belonging exclusively to the spouse who received it and it cannot be divided in a divorce. That holds true whether a spouse received the inheritance before or during the marriage.
但是,遗产必须保持“seperate property”状态。
以下例子就参与分配了:1) 丈夫得到父母房子,两人共同投资装修扩建了;2)太太得到一笔现金但放夫妻账户里一起炒股了;3)丈夫继承了一个小餐馆,然后两人一起投资开大了。
4. 做信托不影响 step-up in basis
Step-up in Basis这个优惠大家都很关心的。比如说父母的房子是早年30万买的,父母走后房子归儿子,当时市价90万,那么儿子日后卖房就按90万之上的增值交税。有没有信托不改变这个条例。
A trust or estate and its beneficiaries, or payable on death beneficiaries, get a step-up in basis to fair market value of the asset so received. That value is stepped up to the fair market value of the asset as of the date of death of the Decedent.
5. 信托和税务
我的理解是税务和Revocable living trusts无关(或者说有没有信托,该交的税还得交,不会增加也没有减免)。Inrevocable的没想过做,没研究,但据说有优惠,专家应该懂。
Revocable living trusts are subject to estate tax, even though they avoid probate. The grantor will have paid taxes on any income the trust generated while they were living. In some cases, irrevocable trusts can avoid estate taxes as well as inheritance taxes. The trust itself will pay its own taxes.