Today’s Doodle

来源: 蓝调 2023-01-22 22:16:02 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2632 bytes)


 Doodler, Celine You


Lunar New Year 2023

Today’s Doodle celebrates an important holiday in several Asian cultures, Lunar New Year! After the first new moon of the Lunar calendar each year, communities around the world set up decorations, make festive food and gather with loved ones to usher in the new year.

The traditions of the Lunar New Year festival date back thousands of years to a popular legend. A mythical beast called Nian was known to show up each Lunar New Year’s eve and terrorize people and livestock. Loud noises, the color red and fire scared Nian away, so it became a tradition for families to decorate their doors in red paper, set off fireworks and leave lanterns burning all night.

Today, red remains a key part of Lunar New Year celebrations as people hang red lanterns in the streets and gift money in red envelopes to children and retired seniors. Traditional meals are popular during celebrations and they vary across the world. For example, pineapple tarts and yusheng (a dish with raw fish and a salad) are a staple in Singapore and Malaysia, while communities in Vietnam enjoy bánh ch?ng (a rice cake made with mung beans, pork, and other ingredients wrapped in bamboo leaves). 

This year marks the Year of the Rabbit, which is associated with peace and prosperity. The Doodle artwork is crafted from paper to honor Chinese paper-cutting (Jianzhi), which is a long-time Lunar New Year tradition. 

No matter where you’re celebrating, here’s to a wonderful Lunar New Year and 2023!



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