Elon Musk强调物理的重要

来源: 蓝调 2022-08-27 21:39:21 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (4885 bytes)


非常经典的早期Elon Musk的ted访谈视频,共21分钟,曾经贴过。

在18:10 当主持人提问,他为何能做这些如此不同的项目时,他强调了物理。。。

Mar 19, 2013


1. Elon Musk大学专业:

In 1992, having spent two years at Queen's, Musk transferred to the University of Pennsylvania on a scholarship. Musk saw the Ivy League school as possibly opening some additional doors and went off in pursuit of dual degrees—first an economics degree from the Wharton School and then a bachelor's degree in physics.

源于传记作者 Ashlee Vance :

Elon Musk: The College Years



2. 物理学家Richard Feynman的影响

How did your interest in physics develop?

My father was an engineer so I grew up in a technical household, and physics was always what I was good at in school. I was also inspired by Richard Feynman’s lectures and books. When I was 17, I moved from South Africa to Canada, and then to the University of Pennsylvania to study a dual degree in business and physics. It was an unusual combination, and I enjoyed the physics more. I’m not sure I would study business again if I could replay things.







物理比数学更能开拓思维 -zaocha2002- 给 zaocha2002 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/27/2022 postreply 22:24:47

翼龙大忽悠,别听他的 -中国心中国人- 给 中国心中国人 发送悄悄话 中国心中国人 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2022 postreply 00:37:00

首富的烦恼,不说不行,可哪有那么多的警世箴言啊。。。 -两女宝妈- 给 两女宝妈 发送悄悄话 两女宝妈 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2022 postreply 06:45:54

物理没有四十万 -tibuko- 给 tibuko 发送悄悄话 tibuko 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2022 postreply 12:42:00

谢谢同学们的关注 -蓝调- 给 蓝调 发送悄悄话 蓝调 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/28/2022 postreply 14:16:03



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