
来源: HappyWed 2021-04-11 10:14:03 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1426 bytes)
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因为加州人有钱的人其实很多,靠谱学区的家庭都是有各种课后资源帮助孩子的,不比私高资源差。T1000的公高还是top 4%的公高nationally. 上中产的两难境地,去私校,跟各类资源及其丰富的家长拼资源($,捐赠娃体育娃)自然拼不过,去公立跟普通家庭孩子拼资源和基因等也许反而更有优势。


The total number of high schools in the U.S. is expected to reach about 26,727, according to Educationdata.org. This means that high schools will comprise about 31% of all schools K-12. Between public and private high schools, there are 23,882 public schools and 2,845 private schools, respectively.Nov 21, 2020
