Why is Mei Xiang in such a small space?

来源: 金一位 2020-10-28 08:18:25 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1369 bytes)

Why is Mei Xiang in such a small space?

This is normal! Bears in the wild, including giant pandas, give birth in small dens. In China's Wolong Reserve, pandas make their dens in large hollow conifer trees, with a diameter of about 3 feet. Where there aren't any trees, pandas den in caves with a little bedding of twigs. They stay in these dens for about the cub's first 100 days.

Zoo keepers strive to recreate these surroundings for Mei Xiang. She always has access to her larger enclosures, though for the first few months of a cub's life she will spend the vast majority of her time in the den. She will occasionally venture out to eat, drink, urinate and defecate. Those trips will become increasingly longer as a cub grows.



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