18岁的Harvard PHD,天才型的牛娃

来源: bigbearinsp 2018-03-30 11:39:26 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (5459 bytes)

18 岁的Harvard PHD


Iris Cong

Hertz Fellow: Iris Cong

Harvard University




2018 - present

Iris Cong was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. After taking Calculus at age eleven and Linear Algebra at age twelve, Iris skipped high school to enter UCLA directly at age thirteen, where she majored in Computer Science (CS). Though competing against classmates with much stronger backgrounds from AP classes, Iris persevered and graduated as the Engineering School’s sole Outstanding Bachelor of Science with a 4.0 GPA.


Iris’s favorite past accomplishment is the result of her summer research at Microsoft Station Q, UCSB in 2016. Though she arrived at Station Q without previous experience even in basic group theory, within three months, she was able to master many key concepts of category theory and condensed matter physics. She produced a 117-page research paper on topological quantum computation with key impacts in physics, math, and CS. This led to three first-authored journal publications (including one in Physical Review Letters), and multiple invited talks. 


 Iris is now a graduate student in Harvard’s physics department, where she hopes to gain a deeper physical insight into quantum computing. Currently, she is interested in using intermediate-size quantum simulators to simulate quantum many-body dynamics and solve important problems in condensed matter physics. In the future, Iris hopes to combine her talents for physics, CS, and math to promote large-scale deployment of quantum computing. 


Iris has been awarded numerous honors for her academic achievements, including the Barry Goldwater Scholarship, invited participation at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, and the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. Iris also takes joy in giving back to the community. At UCLA, she taught high school students every weekend at the Los Angeles Math Circle. In the summer of 2017, she gave an invited lecture series on category theory for a summer school at Fudan University, Shanghai, where she advised undergraduate students throughout China. Outside of academics, Iris is an avid alpine skier. She also loves music: she has studied piano for 14 years, and participated in UCLA’s Chorale and Chamber Singers.


确实天才。跟多数孩子不是一个平面滴。所以与我们关系不大。天才行走在另外一个世界里。 -篱笆08- 给 篱笆08 发送悄悄话 篱笆08 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 11:47:11

说的太对了,这个孩子太棒了,但和我们不是一个世界里的 -家有香饽饽- 给 家有香饽饽 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/01/2018 postreply 09:51:23

PhD 学生 -linda2- 给 linda2 发送悄悄话 linda2 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 11:47:17

天才好多啊,估计遗传基因很强大。 -绿蚁采菊- 给 绿蚁采菊 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 11:49:57

认识一人,类似经历,到大藤当教授,招了一堆研究生比她还大。。。那些学生不知作何想法。 -borisg- 给 borisg 发送悄悄话 borisg 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 11:51:45

跳过了整个高中。那文科教育和青春期成长教育怎么办? -数与形- 给 数与形 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 11:53:40

肯定有影响。俺比她少跳一点,但是,俺只是理科强,文科和EQ严重不足,长大后花好多时间自己补 -linda2- 给 linda2 发送悄悄话 linda2 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 11:57:57

前不久谁发过一帖介绍一个十几岁就开高科技公司当董事长,发大财的天才娃。这些人跟普通孩子不是一个pool的。没必要比较。各走各的。 -篱笆08- 给 篱笆08 发送悄悄话 篱笆08 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 11:58:40

别大惊!其实不少18岁读大菔的孩子,6年前就可跳过初中直接上大学,只是他们没有选择这种成长方式罢了 -shunan86- 给 shunan86 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 12:20:53

不会是从京生的闺女吧?长得挺像。 -淘娃羊爸- 给 淘娃羊爸 发送悄悄话 (36 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 12:26:50

哦,那个UCLA的EECS教授的小孩? -胡宙- 给 胡宙 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 12:55:42

可能 -草民- 给 草民 发送悄悄话 (98 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 13:51:36

应该就是了,否则不会这么巧。这个姓也不常见 -hanena- 给 hanena 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 16:18:39

Harvard PHD 不见得进得了 Harvard College,没啥稀奇的。藤校是本科值钱。 -6degrees- 给 6degrees 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 12:34:24

不不不,国人认为哈佛的博士后最牛 -just4u- 给 just4u 发送悄悄话 (169 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 14:10:02

博士后?那是找不到工作的代名词呀。 -6degrees- 给 6degrees 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 15:13:49

你怎么知道她进不了?缺少什么素质进不去? -蓝靛厂- 给 蓝靛厂 发送悄悄话 (104 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 17:26:31

没啥奇特的。那么多小童星小莫扎特几岁就成名不也一样。 奇特的是盖茨,霍金这样给人类做出重大贡献的流传千古的人 -twjrzlm- 给 twjrzlm 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 15:51:29

活着多没劲啊,还没年轻过就已经老了。不过我是燕雀不知道鸿鹄之志了。希望小姑娘以后更牛。 -蓝靛厂- 给 蓝靛厂 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 17:28:15

甜葡萄。 -funnypig- 给 funnypig 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/30/2018 postreply 17:28:45

真的了不起! -妈妈的故事- 给 妈妈的故事 发送悄悄话 妈妈的故事 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/31/2018 postreply 12:38:09

了不起,但没什么好羡慕的。 -出门在外7788- 给 出门在外7788 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/31/2018 postreply 13:23:15
