
来源: snow2ice 2017-12-06 15:44:25 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1559 bytes)

我家老二大概也是在,四年级,五六年级的时候有相同的经历,我们当时的老师说他在学校里面,做出来的东西很少,或者有时候不做,我让他在家里面做,他就说数学题很难,当时他应该是五六年级吧,然后我就去买了那个几本JUMP MATH 数学的书,给他做六年级,他说很难,五年级,他也说too hard, 我最后还去买到四年级的。。。但他好像,还是,没有去做。还是说很难,我都没辙了。

但是很好,他六年级的班主任老师曾经是一个education specialist , 她自己的两个孩子也是gifted.. 我们孩子当时在的是 gifted program的学校,阿!但后来我们就把他转到我们,家住附近的一个,一般学校,但这个学校的,名声很好,嗯,但是我发现,因为在家附近,所以他有很多的社交的活动,然后认识了很多旁边的小朋友,我儿子特别喜欢social, making freinds.他也很活跃,因为不用坐校车,骑自行车就很方便,所以她每天放学之后都有很多的俱乐部,像辩论了,嗯等等等等,他也非常的喜欢。he is in grade 9. also has the gifted coding, so the school and teacher still.give him the extra suport. now.i think back that was a good move..i felt you need to sit back and allow him to make mistake (that was the words his grade 6 teacher said to me) and learn at his own pace.  i know it is easy said  however, from my own experience, it worked and worked well...



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