Let x = sinh t, where sinh is hyperbolic sine

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回答: 请教一道Calculus题annabell2017-02-19 22:11:52


Int sqrt(1 + x^2) d x 

= Int (cosh t)^2 dt

= (1/2) Int [1 + cosh(2t)] d t

=(1/2) [t + (sinh t)(cosh t)]

=(1/2) [t + x sqrt(1 + x^2)] 


To express t in term of x, we rewrite x = sinh t = [e^t - e^{-t}]/2 as

(e^t)^2 - 2x (e^t) - 1 = 0.

The quadratic formula then gives e^t = x + sqrt(1 + x^2), which yields

t = ln[x + sqrt(1 + x^2)].


Finally, Int sqrt(1 + x^2) d x = (1/2) {ln[x + sqrt(1 + x^2)] + x sqrt(1 + x^2)}
