Thanks for the kind compliments

来源: ArmorUSA 2017-01-16 19:41:13 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (228 bytes)

I fully concur, and sympathize, with your son's medical school experience. 

I wish him well and hope that if he has extra time, perhaps he could consider study some Chinese as a past-time. 


很幸运,我们自己英语仅限于应付学习和工作,远没有这里某些国人对自己英语水平的自信,所以在这里多年家里从来都是说中文, -ICMbian- 给 ICMbian 发送悄悄话 (104 bytes) () 01/16/2017 postreply 19:50:04
