Good to know your son is good at everything!

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Again, no rush to decide his career at this point. 


Twelve-years-old has the luxury to explore the world around. Most kids have no idea what a lawyer is doing. They watch so many good movies that they hate the blood-sucking laywers!


最近家长苦闷,焦虑,迷茫。不知如何引导? -WXC_mi2013- 给 WXC_mi2013 发送悄悄话 (65 bytes) () 10/05/2016 postreply 06:38:15

Wait for your son to WAKE UP. Be patient. -Derrick_Liu- 给 Derrick_Liu 发送悄悄话 Derrick_Liu 的博客首页 (50 bytes) () 10/05/2016 postreply 06:51:14

Thanks! 环境是温水炖青蛙。白区。 -WXC_mi2013- 给 WXC_mi2013 发送悄悄话 (323 bytes) () 10/05/2016 postreply 07:00:23
