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March 9, 2015


Dear Parent/Guardian,


As many of you may already know, a young person died by suicide this morning.  We have learned that the victim is a Palo Alto High sophomore student.  Our deepest, heartfelt condolences go to his/her family and friends.


Even when students or families do not know the individuals whom we have lost, the cumulative impact of these events can be deeply disturbing to any of us and will make vulnerable students much more at risk.   Sadness, anger, frustration, confusion, and anxiety are normal reactions to this kind of news. Unfortunately, so is silence.


Given that we have lost three high school students to death by suicide this year, the risk of another loss is far higher than normal.  This is well-documented in scientific research, and we all have to be extraordinarily vigilant and be willing to have hard conversations with our children about their feelings even though they may not want to talk.   Those most at risk are students who “suffer in silence” and fear disappointing parents, friends, or others by expressing their needs, sadness, or fears.


In fact, it has been found that some youths choose to suppress any problems they might be experiencing and simply pretend that they are perfectly fine. Many of our students feel pressure to be successful and may even think that mental illness is a sign of weakness.  It is not, and it is a sign of strength to seek help for oneself or others.  Please talk to your students and their friends and encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings when experiencing difficult times.  We and our community partners stand ready to help any child at any time, and the National Suicide Prevention Hotline can provide immediate assistance in many languages; the number is: 1 (800) 273-8255. 


Throughout the morning, we have informed our schools, and our entire staff will be vigilant for any signs of students who may need support and care following these tragic incidents.  Our district counselors as well as the additional counselors from our partner organizations of KARA, ACS, CASSY, and Stanford personnel are already checking in with students. We are prepared to work with any student or family at a moment’s notice, and we urge you to reach out to your child’s teacher, the school’s principal, or any school counselor if you suspect any child you know is at risk.


Should you feel you and your family are in need of additional assistance, a list of school and community resources are available on ourPAUSD Health Services page and the Counseling Services page .  If you need immediate assistance, the Santa Clara County Suicide and Crisis Hotline is available at 1-855-278-4204 at any time.  Another resource is EMQ Families First’s mobile crisis unit which provides assessments of minors dealing with potentially suicidal thoughts.  They can be reached at 408-379-9085.   Of course in an emergency situation, please call 911.


We will continue to keep you informed as we learn more information about this tragic situation.  All members of the PAUSD staff are prepared to assist you and your family as you process this difficult time.


For your children,

Glenn “Max” McGee, Ph.D.



俺村有两个高中 -skyport- 给 skyport 发送悄悄话 skyport 的博客首页 (45 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 15:01:02

这个谁着急都没用,只有父母家人关注才有用。 -soundofsilence- 给 soundofsilence 发送悄悄话 soundofsilence 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 14:53:47

远离高压环境啊, 父母也不是都能觉察到 -QiTian- 给 QiTian 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 14:56:39

这个更难做到, -soundofsilence- 给 soundofsilence 发送悄悄话 soundofsilence 的博客首页 (144 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 14:58:57

搬家有时有用的。据说一白人家庭从pa搬到纯白的willow glen,小孩depression就没了。 -firefly18- 给 firefly18 发送悄悄话 firefly18 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 15:06:59

孩子可能也有融入问题。 -soundofsilence- 给 soundofsilence 发送悄悄话 soundofsilence 的博客首页 (50 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 15:10:56

这个容易, 如果孩子不喜欢这个学校, 远离; 反之, 喜欢的就加入。 孩子的直觉很准的, 父母要听从孩子的感觉 -QiTian- 给 QiTian 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 15:21:06

+1 -路过路人- 给 路过路人 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 21:05:18

可怜的孩子 -中国心中国人- 给 中国心中国人 发送悄悄话 中国心中国人 的博客首页 (15 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 15:36:32

是华裔还是其它的小孩? fremount的mission high学校竞争更激烈学校排名也更高,华裔印裔比例高达80%以上,反倒 -BBB_Bond- 给 BBB_Bond 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 15:42:10

没听到自杀的 -BBB_Bond- 给 BBB_Bond 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 15:42:45

前几次是Gunn high,这次是Palo Alto High 了。那个火车道口是很让人心揪的。 -yingyingyueyue- 给 yingyingyueyue 发送悄悄话 (200 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 16:23:56

So sad.SAT多200分在生命面前都不算什么啊。上CC也没什么啊, -黄玫瑰888- 给 黄玫瑰888 发送悄悄话 黄玫瑰888 的博客首页 (96 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 17:25:28

应该强制把那些乱七八糟的校外强化辅导的所谓学校统统关掉,给孩子和家长带来太多的误导和额外负担。 -常明- 给 常明 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 17:30:38

我也觉得是。很反感。都这么使劲拔苗,超前的学是为了什么。多多数孩子学校里学的就够了。 -黄玫瑰888- 给 黄玫瑰888 发送悄悄话 黄玫瑰888 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 17:32:27

这些强化辅导班是不是加州特色?我们这里就没有这些。 -yingyingyueyue- 给 yingyingyueyue 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 17:43:27

我们这里也有,不上就完了,别人上让他上去。 -princessonthepea- 给 princessonthepea 发送悄悄话 princessonthepea 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 18:37:40

我们这里只有暑假里给学习差的孩子的补习班,没有锦上添花的加强班。 -yingyingyueyue- 给 yingyingyueyue 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2015 postreply 19:26:28



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