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回答: 有没有让小孩独自乘飞机回美的dogmommy2014-12-31 09:13:29

我家儿子10岁时独自回国往返。Air Canada 有无人陪伴服务,单程交90加币(现在又涨价了)服务费。Air Canada规定如下:
We offer a special Unaccompanied Minor (UM) service for children age 8 and up who are travelling alone. The service is available on non-stop flights only.

Our UM service is highly personalized for your child. Accordingly, a fee applies each way per child.

Beyond the facts:
This service ensures that your child travelling alone is accompanied by our staff in airports and looked after on board by our in-flight crew. At the final destination, our airport staff will ask the person meeting your child for proof of identification in the form of a photo ID. It is imperative that the UM service be requested at the time of your reservation so we can get all the information we need and make the necessary arrangements. The UM service cannot be arranged on the day of departure at the airport.


---送孩子的时候你最好跟航空公司要求送到gate,把你的驾照压在check-in的 special service 柜台里,换取一张通行证,你得等到飞机起飞之后才能回来换回驾照。如果你放心航空公司带孩子进gate,就在check-in的地方把孩子交给他们。他们给孩子脖子上挂一个牌子,把护照收着,直到到达时才把孩子和护照一起交给来接孩子的被授权人。check-in时不用排队,UM的孩子先进去,所以你们得早点儿去机场。



Thanks for your detailed reply! Many many thanks! -dogmommy- 给 dogmommy 发送悄悄话 dogmommy 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/31/2014 postreply 12:26:07



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