about your top three art school

来源: ayamedai 2014-01-15 12:04:34 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1441 bytes)
回答: 回复:哪几个算 top 3 art university?shanshan1122014-01-02 07:04:08

1. Yale university's art is not really good for person want to really draw, to paint, to make product. Can you give any example artist (I mean have very good art products) who graduated from this school? As I know it is good for a graduate who want to be good for the art history not really art.
 2. Why do you push your kid go to Dual Program? If she love art just let her choose, not parents. Art school student wll also be very hard for they need a lot art work need to be draw and paint. 
 3. Art Institude of Chicago is good but is more troditional.

These three school will let parents feel good (we did feel good onece) but might not really good for your kid. If she really like animation, you should check the schools in west coast such as LA.
 My kid turn down Rhold island school of Desgin, and Institude of Chicago, went go a school he loved the most. Immidiately after graduated, he got two offers from known TV and movie company, got very good pay (higher than parents). after one year work, he and his collegues has been nominated for Annie Award for his 'individual achievment'.
 Yes, as a parents we did has same worry as you do. Our kid was also a very good student in science and math, but he said he was more in talent in Art, then we just let him go his way. Now we are very proud of him, and will never worry about his furture.



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