CRT lens for kids

来源: Muttontown 2013-03-13 07:15:24 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2478 bytes)
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Both my 2 kids are taking CRT now.

My son started at 3rd grade, now he's a Junior. So 8 yrs experience on CRT. He takes on alternative days. Every couple of years, I took him to different eye doctors for 2nd opinion. 

One doctor said the eyeball can be flat after CRT pressed. The flexibility to turn back can be weak after years of use. 

Last year, we had him checked by a Harvard graduate whose expertise is on laser. His opinion is interesting:

1. CRT is difficult to get populate as the cost. It's very expensive - here $2500 for the 1st year package, then $500 for the replacement. No insurance coverage. Well, Chinese family is willing to pay higher cost to do anything good for kids :-)

2. CRT needs the patience/persistence to take on/off every day. It's difficult for young kids to keep the lens clean. Mom has to provide help every day, year by year.

1. CRT has existed for many years, the theory is correct and the lens has improved a lot over the years. Not like laser, it's doubtful now.

2. CRT has no age limit. Actually, the younger the better for the growing kids. Once the growth is slow or stable, the eye problem won't get worse. My son had 100 increase every year from the 1st grade till 200 @ 2nd grade. After 8yrs of CRT, it's still 200.

3. CRT can be life-time if kids can build up the persistence. Does he need to change to soft lens after 16yr old? Not necessary. College students may have less sleep or sleep late night. This may have impact.

4. Eye usage will be less and less after college. He doesn't need to look at white-board daily at work.

As for laser on my hu*****and (40+ year old), the doctor doesn't suggest him to take it because he is in the development period of "lao3 hua1".

As for the Vitamin pills for eyes, the doctor doesn't recommend either. The doctor is ABC whose parents from Taiwan. Lots of Taiwan-nese enjoy Centrum vitamin pills. Now daily Vitamin is also in doubt as it's a medicine pill not natural.

I tried to avoid CRT for my daughter, especially she is good at sports. She started 100-200 lens @ 6th grade. It worsen @ 7th grade, so we decided to have CRT. 

For me, I used to take on/off for my son for last 7 years. Cleaning is also my daily routine in the busy morning. Now both kids take care CRT by themselves. Really appreciate it!


感谢分享! 有2个问题 -人挪活- 给 人挪活 发送悄悄话 人挪活 的博客首页 (243 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 07:31:30

我来回答一下吧 -may_march- 给 may_march 发送悄悄话 (460 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 08:01:09

谢谢回复, 希望带CRT 不影响以后做 laser,眼镜太麻烦,最好根治。 -人挪活- 给 人挪活 发送悄悄话 人挪活 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 08:16:49

cost and habits decides CRT -Muttontown- 给 Muttontown 发送悄悄话 (1286 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 08:42:22

谢谢回复。 -人挪活- 给 人挪活 发送悄悄话 人挪活 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 08:51:51

我孩子正在戴CRT, so far so good for 5个月 -may_march- 给 may_march 发送悄悄话 (379 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 07:45:14

我家的,我帮取了两年,戴了三年,目前戴和取都是他自己 -天涯栀子- 给 天涯栀子 发送悄悄话 天涯栀子 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 07:51:09

请教,CRT,这个需要每年更换吗? -睿睿妈- 给 睿睿妈 发送悄悄话 睿睿妈 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 07:57:20

不一定要复查 -may_march- 给 may_march 发送悄悄话 (79 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 08:04:18

谢谢。 -睿睿妈- 给 睿睿妈 发送悄悄话 睿睿妈 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 08:05:41

我家的,没年复查,每年换。我觉得年年查好点。 -天涯栀子- 给 天涯栀子 发送悄悄话 天涯栀子 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 08:15:42

谢谢。 -睿睿妈- 给 睿睿妈 发送悄悄话 睿睿妈 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 08:16:28

We didn't change for 8yrs -Muttontown- 给 Muttontown 发送悄悄话 (454 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 08:48:40

請問是經複查後大夫的意見說不用換新,還是家長自己認為不需要換? -木每- 给 木每 发送悄悄话 木每 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 09:43:29

If no change on prescription, no need to change lenses, but some -newnewid888- 给 newnewid888 发送悄悄话 (123 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 09:53:48

But some parents like to have new pair each year -newnewid888- 给 newnewid888 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 09:57:38

我想问问他们孩子的眼医怎么说的。8年是个挺长的时间,孩子的眼球应该在变化。 -木每- 给 木每 发送悄悄话 木每 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 10:56:37

Replacement cost is $500/pair or one for $300 -Muttontown- 给 Muttontown 发送悄悄话 (192 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 20:02:31

没明白:The flexibility to turn back can be weak after years of use. -acreek- 给 acreek 发送悄悄话 (412 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 08:43:30

CRT的原理就是根据近视度数来物理压迫, -Muttontown- 给 Muttontown 发送悄悄话 (243 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 08:51:45

Sorry, 可能没说清楚 -acreek- 给 acreek 发送悄悄话 (1648 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 09:18:23

另外,我怎么听说隔天戴会频繁的压迫眼球,这也不好。 -acreek- 给 acreek 发送悄悄话 (430 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 09:31:10

CRT effect lasts only up to 3 days. Stop using 1-2wks before ch -Muttontown- 给 Muttontown 发送悄悄话 (216 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 09:34:52

Ok, that makes sense. Thanks! -acreek- 给 acreek 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 09:41:01

Thank you for sharing, similar to my research result. -newnewid888- 给 newnewid888 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 09:55:37

谢谢分享 ~~~~ -旖旎风光- 给 旖旎风光 发送悄悄话 旖旎风光 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 11:39:30

我家的才戴了一年的ortho-k,就需要refit -雷儿妈- 给 雷儿妈 发送悄悄话 (24 bytes) () 03/13/2013 postreply 22:24:24

Your doctor decides the fate -Muttontown- 给 Muttontown 发送悄悄话 (376 bytes) () 03/14/2013 postreply 05:35:27

what do you mean by "skylights leak"? -雷儿妈- 给 雷儿妈 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/14/2013 postreply 16:10:05

the newer CRT - "wave" -豆丁娘- 给 豆丁娘 发送悄悄话 (293 bytes) () 03/14/2013 postreply 12:27:21



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