找到报道的transcript:How Shanghai’s students stunned the world

来源: derKerl 2011-11-03 10:32:41 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (4701 bytes)

>>> we are back now and we have tonight's education nation report. last night we told you about a new report card that showed america's students continue to struggle in terms of both math and reading. well, tonight we go to the other side of the world -- shanghai , a city that stunned the world when students there took international exams for the first time ever and outscored every other school system on the planet. question is how did that happen and what can american schools learn from what shanghai is doing? our chief education correspondent rehema ellis went to shanghai to find out. she's here with us in our new york studios tonight.

>> reporter: brian, they are working hard on the schools in shanghai and the thing that struck me during my visit to china is that kids there love learning. in many ways their success in school is a direct consequence of a whole culture that really values education . from the moment the teacher enters the classroom shanghai students, rooted in tradition, are ready to learn. the 900 kids at this high school have nine-hour school days . with just a few breaks for workouts. and timeouts for eye massages to relieve stress. kids study on weekends and during summer and winter breaks. why do you want to study so much?

>> because i want to have a better future and do some contribution to our society.

>> reporter: everything is geared toward the all-important college entrance exams .

>> it's a test oriented system which means that students are taught from a very early age how to beat tests.

>> reporter: on international exams, shanghai scored number one across the board. american students ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math.

>> which of you would like to be a business person one day?

>> reporter: teachers in shanghai are among the highest paid educators worldwide. shanghai is a booming city, but some downplay the academic success saying it doesn't represent education in china as a whole. this is what learning is like in most of the nation. resources are scarce. the result, just 24% of rural kids go to college versus 80% in shanghai and 64% in the united states . ironically, as the world studies shanghai 's success, china is focusing on its academic weaknesses.

>> in terms of management, artistic, creative talent china is lacking. that will hamper china's ability of the economy to compete globally especially with the united states .

>> maybe i'm going to be a musician or some kind of -- this is my dream.

>> reporter: shanghai students, the world's best test-takers are now starting to dream of being so much more. for all the hours chinese students spend in school, that nation has yet to produce a steve jobs , a mark zuckerberg or bill gates , but now china is trying to open the door to that kind of academic creativity which america has been known for. experts say it's only a matter of time, brian, until china gets there.

>> those high school students speaking to you in perfect english may be all we need to know .

>> absolutely.

>> rehema ellis, thank you. great


MSNBC 报道: 上海的学生如何震惊了世界 -michigan007- 给 michigan007 发送悄悄话 (12144 bytes) () 11/03/2011 postreply 12:17:12



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