not sure about that :-)

来源: 偶尔冒泡的鱼 2011-09-06 10:38:45 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (838 bytes)
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回答: 外婆好脾气adazheng2011-09-06 10:18:36

She knows I would not listen to her on this subject.

The funny point is that she think we should push the kids to learn Chinese as a kid. But her example showed that learning environment is the most important in learning a language.

My son can carry some simple conversation in Chinese. The big problem is that he doesn't understand Chinese culture and got lost/confused most of time if the conversations go a little deeper. He is not interested in learning and I don't feel like to push him. Most of his life he is exposed to English and American Culture. I don't want to confuse him at this time. I think in the future if he feels it's worthy his effort, he can do the same as that boy in the conversation or even better. He needs a culture environment to really master a language.  



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