
来源: myipode 2011-08-12 09:23:35 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3273 bytes)

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一位68岁老头因为阻止暴徒纵火被打死, 这是你们认为的伦敦之春?攻击老弱居民的? 别以为这种事只是发生别人身上,不要以为这是发生在英国跟你们无关, 可以嘲讽,一马来西亚留学生被打得面部骨折




I have read carefully many of the comments posted on here and also feel very sad and much revulsion and anger at what has happened to this defenseless old man may he RIP my condolences go out to his family and friends. The point i wish to make is that many people are saying that they hope these thugs feel ashamed of themselves etc, the truth is that these scum do not have a conscious and do not give a @#$% about the damage and harm they have caused albeit to life or limb, i know this to be the case as i work in the criminal justice system.

These scum have nothing but contempt for the courts and all law abiding citizens they are largely hardened career criminals although a few of them being opportunist. They are not interested in being integrated into society and will use every opportunity to justify their delinquent behavior ranging from the colour of their skin, having no job or not being able to find one because they are largely illiterate, lack the requisite skills to find a job and basically in truth do not want to work as they neither have the desire or will to do so. They simply expect the state to do everything for them without in input from themselves. Also these scum are largely unemployable because they mostly already have criminal records and all employers now invariably when making an offer of employment carry out a CRB check.

There is lots that can be done with these scum namely get them to sweep the streets clean the parks etc but of course that would be an infringement of the thugs "human rights."

Point being our politicians together with all the do gooders in our society need to get a grip of reality and realize the vast majority of these thugs are permanent parasites beyond redemption and reform the only solution is prolonged hard physical labor with porridge and stale bread as their diet, but again we all know that is not going to happen.

As for this vile creature who has killed a defenseless old man we are now probably going to spend thousands of pounds of our money in locking him up for a few years, i say bring back hanging for such cowards its much cheaper and he would not have the chance of doing it again, but again we all know that is not going to happen.So the cycle continues and law abiding citizens continue to bare the brunt of these mindless thugs. We have lost the PLOT in the UK as to how to deal with perpetual recidivist criminals.


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