
来源: 听听意见 2010-09-11 19:04:02 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1180 bytes)
college prowler上的打分,男生是b+,女生是c-

West Point '13
Military Science
Mar 01, 2009

Everyone is athletic, and almost...

Everyone is athletic, and almost all the girls are unattractive. Most are outgoing, but also lots are socially awkward.


West Point Student

West Point attracts a very...

West Point attracts a very undesirable type of girl. But, for one reason or another, they all seem to have boyfriends. Explain that one to me.


West Point Student

Well, there are definitely a lot...

Well, there are definitely a lot more guys than girls; I think that the ratio is something like five or six to one. Because of this, I think that a lot of guys here end up going out with girls (female cadets) that they would probably not even look at if they went to a normal college.

Most cadets are looking for relationships rather than just the casual hookup. The local girls will also try to woo the male cadets in scenes reminiscent of a Hollywood romance.
Best Places to Meet Guys/Girls



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