
来源: ruyuanx2012 2010-09-02 21:37:21 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (6969 bytes)

才是football and baseball.

Death By Leisure Activities
Which sports are most deadly?
The most deadly sport in America today for females is cheerleading. Most people would think that its football or soccer. But, actually cheerleading is becoming a very popular activity and its not really considered a sport in many areas so they are not given proper equipment. But the number of fatalities from doing stunts and pyramids, somersaults has increased greatly. So there's been a movement to try to save girls who are involved with cheerleading by giving them safety equiptment and proper training. As far as other childrens sports, basketball has the most number of fatalities from basketball and the most amount of emergency incidences. Followed second by football and baseball.

What is "sudden death"?
Sudden death in sports is called cardiac concussion. That's when the heart just stops, and it seems a puzzle. Usually it occurs from a hidden heart ailment or from overexertion. The average age for sudden death in sports is 17. Most of these occur, the number one is basketball, followed by football.

In which sports do players most often suffer from sudden death?
Sudden death mostly occurs from basketball, which is number 1, football number 2 and other types of sports where a hidden heart ailment is found or overexertion. The average age for sudden death is 17. Over 136 deaths a year occurs in children's sports. Baseball has increased in emergency room incidents and also some fatalities. Ever since the old wooden bat has been put to rest and all little leagues are using aluminum bats with a core graphite that hits the ball at over 9 mph directly at the pitcher. That's increasing some fatalities and causing more deaths in the number 1 sport in America, baseball.

How likely am I to die on the golf course?
Most people wouldn't think of golf as a dangerous sport, but in fact over 3000 people a year die on the golf course by playing the game. Most of these occur to people over 65 years old. The most deadly for this age group, and for many age groups, is the 3rd and the 18th hole. The reason for this is by the time they get to the third hole, they're now experiencing some hidden health problem that they didn't realize, or they pushed themselves all the way to the end at the 18 hole and have a heart attack or some other fatal mishap right at the end. So the other interesting thing is that over six people die a year from lightning strikes by watching tournaments or falling limbs. These things can be prevented if you keep one eye on the game and one eye on what's going on around you.

How likely am I to die while swimming?
Forty two per cent of all drowning deaths occur between the ages of fifteen and twenty four. Now some people think, what is more dangerous the ocean or rivers or lakes? Actually, more people die on inland waters. Small rivers. Small lakes. Over fifty percent of all drowning deaths have some type of alcohol related as a cause. Smaller crafts, also, are related to more drowning deaths; canoes, rowboats, kayaks, than are larger crafts.

How much risk do playgrounds pose?
In a ten year study period, over 145 children under the age of 15 have died in playgrounds. Most of these playground deaths occur from entanglement, loose shoelaces, ropes from sweatshirts or loose belts get caught and cause strangulation. The other number one cause of playground death is swing impact, so it's very important to keep children under a certain age away from moving swings. However, more people die in home playgrounds than they do in public playgrounds. These home playground deaths usually occur with higher equipment being brought in, more exotic things like trampolines, which used to only be used for circuses. Now they are bringing them home in backyards and there is a great increased number of deaths from broken necks and broken backs from trampolines that don't use side rails.

What is the risk in using exercise equipment?
Well, it's definitely more important to exercise than not exercise, but you have to use and choose the right type of equipment. Over thirty thousand different products have been recalled in the last ten years that went on the market, everything from various rolling machines and treadmills, collapsible folding workout equipment, and that's caused a number of fatalities. Unfortunately, it seems to be one of the only industries where it's not tested until it's brought back with a number of injuries. So make sure that all the screws, the belts, and the treadmills are in place. Stay healthier and live longer.

Can sleeping kill me?
There's not too many people who have died from sleep. People definitely have been dying from insomnia. But there are people that have died - over 5000 - who have died from sleep-walking in the last 30 years. Sleep-walking has mostly been ignored as a medical problem. But it has to do with various different other types of psychological problems. But I guess the most interesting things are that they find people who have left their home while sleep walking. They would start to perform different types of behaviour. One poor lady was found vacuuming her front lawn in the middle of the night during a lightning storm, and that's how she died from sleep-walking.

What is "Night Eating Syndrome"?
NES is a new type of disease that they just realized is affecting over ten thousand people a year, killing them. Night Eating Syndrome is a combination of sleep walking and eating so the uncontrollable eating occurs in the middle of the night. And it's usually the person that is suffering from NES who doesn't even realize they have it until the next morning they wake up and find signs in their kitchen that someone had been browsing and going through the pantry. But it is becomming a recognized form of sleep disorder and mental illness. It is very difficult to cure and there's only a few people that even recognize it as something that can be fatal.

How safe are amusement parks?
Today, amusement parks are tremendously safer than they were 100 years ago. There have been over 12,000 deaths occurring in amusement parks over the last 100 years. But predominantly those occurred in the first 20 to 30 years, when most amusement rides were made out of wood. So fire and mechanical failure were common. Nowadays, deaths from roller coasters are usually from falling out of them, not strapped into the roller coaster properly or standing up and riding improperly, those are the deaths that occur from roller coasters today. There have been only 10 deaths in the last 10 years from falling gondolas. Bumper cars, there's only been three deaths in the last 10 years. So amusement parks are tremendously safer than they were previously.

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