南非 - 野生动物的天堂,Kruger NP

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最近在风坛里泡的时间比较多,看到不少帖子记录了非洲看野生动物的经历。坦桑尼亚,赞比亚是首选。特别赶上动物大迁移找水源,那场面何其壮观。其实南非的Kruger National Park地域广阔,动物也非常之多,况且环境条件都比较好。不知道是不是因为我们去的时候是雨季还是平时就这样,没有沙漠,草肥水旺,绿树成荫,动物成群,一片祥和的气氛,真是动物的天堂。国家公园里Camp条件很不错,有独门独户的house/Bungalow, 自带厨房浴室。每个camp里有一个餐馆,虽然菜式花样不多,味道一般,但是都是新鲜做的。所以这里看野生动物的吃住条件比其它非洲国家都要好,而且自驾有了更多的自由度, 累了就回去打个盹。




2010年12月初我飞了20+小时到南非,那时老公已经在那里做咨询几个星期了。等他的项目结束。我们从Johannesburg机场租了辆车, 往Kruger National Park 进发。我们从公园的官网已经订了三晚国家公园里的camp,打一枪换一个地方,每天换一个camp。在公园外的小镇买了很多水果,西红柿带进去。






Crocodile Bridge Gate is on the south side of the park, where we entered and our safari trip was started.



Within the first two hours in the park we were very surprised to see so many wild animals lived in this peaceful and beautiful environment. It is our first time to watch wild animals so closely in a natural forest. We are excited and cannot believe it.

Day 1, 图 1.1


These are steenboks. The size is smaller than impala. 1.2


Our first close look at a giraffe. 1.3


Warthogs 疣猪. 1.4


We spotted a group of 20 or more elephants from far away marching towards us and we waited in the car and captured this moment. 1.5


The group of elephants marched towards us to cross the road, we had to escape after taking this close-up photo. 1.6


Impalas and reedbucks? 1.7


A beautiful impala, 高角羚,did you notice a Red-billed Oxpecker 红嘴啄木鸟 on the top of its head? 1.8


What do they talk about? They are young impala, because there is no dark mark in front of their eyes. 1.9


Helmeted Guineafowl,头盔珍珠鸡, scratching the ground with their feet as they go, like chicken. 1.10


人住的camp是保护区,铁丝网围起来的。早上四点半开门。如果跟早上的tour,4-7 Am,可以更早出去。我们不熟悉情况,先报了一个tour,看到的动物不比后一天早上我们自驾看到的多。

第一天晚上住在Lower Sabie rest camp。The house has its own kitchen and bath room, very spacy and comfortable.


Day 2

We took park's early morning game drive (4-7 AM) from Lower Sabie rest camp. The guider calls this a Kudu, which is one out two new animals we saw this morning drive.  This is one of the largest species of antelope. 2.1


Closer look at the hippos. 河马。导游说 If you shine a light on the pond in the night, and we did, hippo eyes look like golden stars in evening sky。 2.2


After an early morning game drive we are so tired and back to our house for a morning nap. 2.3


Lower Sabie Rest Camp overlook. 2.4


After morning nap we were on the road again. The first thing we saw is a group of 20 or less Chacma baboon 狒狒 .2.5


looks like the newborn is only a few days old. 2.6


幼象 2.7


These are female waterbuck (非洲大羚羊), very tall. 2.8


This is a male Kudu with long spiralling horn, the symbol of Kruger National Park. 2.9

More Kudu 2.10


The Martial Eagle.  These large eagles catch a wide variety of prey including guineafowl, duck, small antelope, hares and reptiles. 2.11


Vervet monkeys 黑长尾猴 at picnic area. 2.12


The Vervet monkey is the only Cercopithecidae in Africa with an entirely black face. Dominant males have a blue scrotum and red penis. They live in family groups of as large as twenty. They forage all day for fruits, nuts, insects, scorpions, seeds and edible shoots. 2.13


closer look of Vervet monkey 2.14


Vervet monkey, motherhood 2.15



How many elephants? How many times we saw elephants. There was a great effort of elephant population control. This year (2010)the number is up 5 % to 13050. 2.16


Impala, the largest population (100,000) in Kruger. 每天都能看到Impala, 2.17


Impala and zebras 可以和平共处。2.18


This one is male vervet monkey since it has blue scrotums。中午在picnic area 看到妈妈带着幼子,没见到公的,原来它在这里溜达呢。2.19


The southernmost baobab tree, 猴面包树(25 km south of Satara camp), may be thousands years old. 和这么大的树合影人显得这么渺小。2.20


Are they some kind of geese? 2.21


Comb duck, also called Knob-billed duck.  The right one is male with a knob. 2.22


Africa Buffalo, 非洲水牛,the population of 36000 as 2009 in Kruger。some buffalos with hat and some without hat。2.23


buffalo cross road 2.24


There are a lot of large ant hills in Kruger, where trees or bush grow from them. 应该是先有树再有蚁窝的吧。2.25


Waterbucks, distinguished by the white ring around their rumps。2.26


Blue wildebeest,斑纹角马(学名:Connochaetes taurinus)也称黑斑牛羚、蓝角马, 牛科角马属的一种。2.27


Waterbucks and blue wildebeest, they are not the same species。也能和睦相处。2.28


第二天晚住Bungalow at Satara Rest Camp, 每家门口还有一个烤炉,闻着别人家飘来的肉香还真的后悔没有准备一些。我们只带了一些水果,顿顿要买的吃。Camp里餐厅不小,菜的味道很一般。2.28




In the very early morning (around 4:50 AM) near Satara Rest Camp we are very luck to spot those six lions slept on the road. We hate to wake them up but many cars follow us (our car is  the second car). We waited a few minutes and they were reluctant to leave the road. 3.1


There are five females and one male lion. They finally standed up and gave us some attention. 3.2




The sun rise around 5 AM. 3.4


Buffalo's closer look. 3.5


In the same lucky early morning we spotted two white Rhinos 白犀牛。看它们个大有角, 没敢下车,长镜头拍了一张。3.6


more zebra 3.7


晨练后照例回到Satara Rest Camp休息。这个camp里鸟不少。


What a beautiful small woodpecker! 3.8


African Hoopoe 3.9


colorful lizard 3.10


Cape glossy starling 3.11


African Scops owl, the smallest owl in the world, only 15 cm high。这个世界上最小的猫头鹰脸部和人有几分相似。3.12


Camp里植物。The Candelabra tree烛台树 is a succulent tree with highly toxic latex. It has a sturdy main stem with a large round crown. 3.13


There are a pair of ostrich鸵鸟 3.14


How many Giraffes do you spot in this picture? 3.15-16



Olifant Rest Camp, which is the third and the last camp we stayed. 在Kruger公园里,早晚看动物,上午打一个盹,中午开车到下一个camp,有时下午再打个盹。3.17




Olifants river has many turns. 3.18


Olifant River, took from Olifant Bridge 3.19


Swainson's francolin 3.20


夕阳下,动物们也要回家。这一群是impala 还是Steenbok (短视频,15秒)?3.21



blue wildebeest again. It is our last day in the park. 4.1


Saddle-billed stork, 鞍嘴鹳 walks slowly through wood near the road to Phalaborwa Gate. 4.2




Phalaborwa Gate, which we exited from Kruger NP and headed to Panorama Route (Blyde river canyon, ...). 4.3




再说一下费用。camp 每晚平均一百美元,餐馆就餐每顿每人大约10-15美元。清晨的tour价钱忘记了, 印象中也不算贵。所以这里看野生动物的成本真是便宜。从首都机场开过来大约4小时,不过是路左边驾驶。











我们在Kruger NP 唯一一次见到的一只 leopard -菜鸟show- 给 菜鸟show 发送悄悄话 菜鸟show 的博客首页 (87 bytes) () 01/30/2021 postreply 21:06:50

这只豹子很神气,谢谢分享。我们这次唯一的遗憾是没有看到豹子,你帮我补上了。 -AnnYuan- 给 AnnYuan 发送悄悄话 AnnYuan 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/30/2021 postreply 21:58:24

非常有用的信息!自己驾车危险吗? 需要租什么样的车? SUV? 多谢!!! -Biker- 给 Biker 发送悄悄话 Biker 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/30/2021 postreply 21:08:28

我们租的车很一般,不是SUV。 公园里大路,小路都是paved,非常好开。唯一要适应的是驾驶座在右边。另外, -AnnYuan- 给 AnnYuan 发送悄悄话 AnnYuan 的博客首页 (381 bytes) () 01/30/2021 postreply 21:53:49

谢谢答覆! 还有, 怎末book camp? -Biker- 给 Biker 发送悄悄话 Biker 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/30/2021 postreply 22:09:49

官网https://www.sanparks.org/reservations/,当然你要先选择好camp和哪种房型。 -AnnYuan- 给 AnnYuan 发送悄悄话 AnnYuan 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/31/2021 postreply 06:02:51

好想去南非,主要害怕不安全。谢谢分享好文! -若敏- 给 若敏 发送悄悄话 若敏 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/31/2021 postreply 06:25:04

约翰内斯堡,索韦托以及贫民区我们包了一个私人tour。开普敦及周边比较安全,我们也用过公共交通。以后会写一篇。 -AnnYuan- 给 AnnYuan 发送悄悄话 AnnYuan 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/31/2021 postreply 07:33:29

非常感谢! 非常需要! 坛里多是跟团的信息. 当地跟团贵吗? -Biker- 给 Biker 发送悄悄话 Biker 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/31/2021 postreply 07:57:03

我们住在Sandton的Hilton, 旅馆提供各种tour,我们选择的tour司机加车大半天。价格记不清了。 -AnnYuan- 给 AnnYuan 发送悄悄话 AnnYuan 的博客首页 (276 bytes) () 01/31/2021 postreply 08:50:33

真是个好地方啊。安全么?从朋友嘴里听到的都是南非太不安全了。 -熊猫媳妇- 给 熊猫媳妇 发送悄悄话 熊猫媳妇 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/03/2021 postreply 08:42:04

Kruger NP里绝对安全。约翰内斯堡,Alexandra 这些地方不要自己去就行了。 -AnnYuan- 给 AnnYuan 发送悄悄话 AnnYuan 的博客首页 (276 bytes) () 02/03/2021 postreply 18:58:01

生机勃勃的世界。怪不得照片这么好,你家领导的装备好。我昨天看了一个报道,关于一个野生动物园的故事,现在没有游客,很多工作人员都解 -安娜晴天- 给 安娜晴天 发送悄悄话 安娜晴天 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/04/2021 postreply 13:19:41

那时候照片大部分用相机,现在越来越懒,手机片是多数。野生动物园应该开放,户外安全,就是旅行受限制了,可惜。 -AnnYuan- 给 AnnYuan 发送悄悄话 AnnYuan 的博客首页 (276 bytes) () 02/04/2021 postreply 21:08:56

我也是去的Kruger National Park。五年前 -一家三口- 给 一家三口 发送悄悄话 一家三口 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/07/2021 postreply 12:20:06



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