
本帖于 2023-09-12 16:43:02 时间, 由普通用户 云易 编辑


The temperatures required for the observed spherule-formation and evaporation of materials observed in the
WTC dust (table 1) are significantly higher than temperatures reachable by the burning of jet fuel and office
materials in the WTC buildings (table 2). The temperatures required to melt iron (1,538 °C) and molybdenum
(2,623 °C), and to vaporize lead (1,740 °C) and aluminosilicates (~2,760°C), are completely out of reach of the
fires in the WTC buildings (maximum 1,100 °C). We wish to call attention to this discrepancy: the official
view implicating fires as the main cause for the ultimate collapses of the WTC Towers and WTC 7 (FEMA
[13], NIST [15] ) is inadequate to explain this temperature gap and is therefore incomplete at best. The
formation of numerous metal-rich spherules is also remarkable, for it implies formation of high-temperature
droplets of the molten metals, dispersed in the air where they cool to form spherules. As displayed in figures 3
and 4, we observe spherules with high iron and aluminum contents, a chemical signature which is not consistent
with formation from melted s





