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回答: 生命之美 (图)文革传人2015-06-08 00:41:15

A New Horned Dinosaur Reveals Convergent Evolution in Cranial Ornamentation in Ceratopsidae

Publication stage: In Press Corrected Proof

We thank P. Hews for his many fossil discoveries in Alberta, including the holotype of Regaliceratops. D. Tanke, J. McCabe, and D. Lloyd assisted in the excavation and collection of the specimen. K. Thompson and family provided land access for equipment and excavation. D. Tanke’s technical assistance in both the field and laboratory, including his patient preparation, was integral to this research and allowed for the reconstruction and study of the specimen that would have not been possible otherwise. Access to, and assistance with, the specimen was provided by B. Strilisky, R. Russell, G. Housego, B. Sanchez, and T. Courtnay. J. Bancescu provided assistance with map illustration. D. Braman and D. Eberth provided geological context and discussion, and B. Borkovic, D. Brinkman, D. Eberth, D. Evans, D. Field, J. Mallon, M. Ryan, and J. Scannella provided helpful discussion and information. We also thank F. Maderspacher, M. Loewen, and an anonymous reviewer who provided comments that improved the manuscript. Funding for this research was provided by the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology and the Royal Tyrrell Museum Cooperating Society.

C.M.B. would specifically like to highlight the ongoing and unwavering support of Lorna O’Brien. Lorna, will you marry me?

