回归真正的基督精神,阅读基督教圣人SAINT AUGUSTINE忏悔手记,关于善恶,存在的意义探讨。

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阅读基督教圣人SAINT AUGUSTINE忏悔手记,关于善恶,存在的意义探讨。


SAINT AUGUSTINE早于罗马教廷。他真正地理解了基督的意思。发现上帝和我们人没有分开,没有距离,就在我们每个人的心灵深处。可惜,后来,不真正理解的人绑架了基督教,建立了严格的教条,严重偏离基督的真意。把上帝和人分开,把天堂和人分开,恐吓人们如果不按这个那个教条办事,就会被惩罚,进不了天堂。把上帝描写成一个会发怒,会惩罚的高高在上的个体。

SAINT AUGUSTINE死后不久,罗马教廷,教会才成型,可惜,被没有真正理解的人掌控了。目前美国以及世界各地的标准圣经版本都是源于罗马教廷的教条版本。可惜大家把这个充满误解的版本当真。




Notes from reading books of St. Augustine’s “Confessions”:


He realized that there is no inherent evil in the world.  Evil doesn’t really exist.  Evil is simply a symptom of not knowing God correctly, or from servicing one’s ego desire.  His example was that even a bad person can worship God and finds beauty in God.  What made people bad is his ego and selfishness, not inherent evil.  Evil is part of God’s kingdom just like a bad person is also a creation of God.  Evil is fleeting and temporal.  God is the ultimate quietness and unchangeable peace that all things will reunite to. (注意,这个说法和佛陀说的完全符合)


[My comment]: This finding is compatible with Buddhist’s conception that evil is simply a symptom of ignorance, not knowing what the truth is, causing man to serve his own earthly egoistic desire.  Once a man wakes up to God and truth, he will not find any evil. 


Augustine struggled hard to imagine God.  Is God a massive body with super power, possibly with human like eyes, hands and hairs?  As he studied further and further, he started to realize that God is not of a physical substance.  God is infinite, yet has no shape and form.  God is not part of physical world, yet all physical worlds are born from him.(注意,佛陀也说过了,最终的现实是“空”,没有SHAPE和FORM,也符合了)


During his studies in Milan, he finds out that Bible’s Genesis is very similar to Platonic creation theory, yet Plato refers to no Christ.  (Of course when Plato was alive, Christ was even born yet).  Despite that, he finds great similarity between Platonic philosophy and Christianity.



Deep studies of ancient philosophy and Bible, Augustine finds that true believer should not be restricted by words’ face value in books like Bible.  In Genesis, Bible described God created the world, but this should not be imagined as a human like physical God with bears and hairs performing magic to create earth, mountain and oceans.  Rather, such creation should be perceived in a spiritual way.  Because God is not a human, but an infinite eternity.   It is important to study Bible by going beyond face value of words in the book.(AUGUSTINE建议大家不要拘泥于表面的,字面的理解圣经。大部分人都表明字面理解上帝,理解成一个高高在上的巨人,这是不正确的)。


In Book VII, Augustine told us that through deep meditation, he was able to see the true light of God.  He said he was able to see God by turning inward as suggested by Platonic teachings.  He finally saw that immutable light higher than my mind.



He told us that this light was not a visual kind of light.  It was “utterly different from all other kinds of light.  This light transcended my mind, not in the way that oil floats on water.”  He also said that “this light did not come from the flesh”.  He was able to see God with his mind instead of his mind’s eye. (AUGUSTINE说,人的眼睛是看不到上帝的光芒,只有用心灵看)


[My’s comment]:  Please notice here, Augustine’s sudden illumination is actually the same kind of illumination that Buddha experienced.  In Buddhist terminology, this is called enlightenment.  After man reaches enlightenment, he is free and forever happy and forever free from suffering.  He reached Nirvana.  But in ancient Italy, what Augustine experienced was exactly the same transcendence.  He was able to see God with a light in his heart that is not any regular visual light, but a light that allows him to suddenly understand everything in the world.  Augustine is enlightened and transcended.


From the light, he understands that “For God, evil does not exist at all.”  All things are “good in themselves,” but may appear evil when there is “a conflict of interest.”

(AUGUSTINE体会到:在上帝的眼里,没有邪恶存在。万物的本质都是善的。 任何所谓的“邪恶”,都是某种人的利益的冲突造成的感觉)


Augustine finally finds out that evil can be repelled through personal improvements.  Once a man can grow toward more God-like, there is no room for evil.


After his conversion to Christianity, he was getting firm with his belief that God is no substance; God does not dwell in space and timeBut all space, time and material are born from God.  During and after Augustine’s conversion to Catholics, he again and again went through periods of enlightenment (or illumination).  Each period is very transient.  He regretted the shortness of his transcendence.  He blamed that to himself as being not graceful enough, so that God is not ready yet to see more of his grace.(AIGUSTINE说,上帝没有时间和空间。但时间和空间源于上帝。我们看看,佛陀不是说的一样吗?时空都是人的幻觉。)


[My comment]:  Period of enlightenment is actually a period of time man ascend into eternity, a timeless state, and able to see (not with mind’s eye or flesh), but with soul the whole truth.  This is a state that a man temporarily reunited with his creator, God.  You can say that you see God in such enlightenment experience, or you simply see the state of eternity that is the foundation of all things.  Such experience is of untold beauty.


After one experience, Augustine said: “Eternal life is of the quality of that moment of understanding”.  Plain and simple, he is right to the point.



Book X, XI and XII are the key analysis of his belief and philosophy.  We should spend more time reading these books.  These last 3 books are very deeply philosophical.  It’s hard for regular people to comprehend.  I only bring out a few key points that I find very interesting:


Augustine acknowledged that there is life before current life, i.e., concept of reincarnation is a truth.  We humans don’t just live one life, we live infinite amount of life.  Our life time is infinite just like God is infinite.  We humans are created by God, is a part of God.  If God is infinite, then we humans must be infinite as well.  There is no separation.


A man’s essence is of God, yet not knowing of his God nature.  Why we want to learn? Because learning is a process of the soul remembering what it already knew and forgot when taking human form.   Our soul migrates from one previous human form to the next endlessly.  Death is not a true end, but a temporary migration from one body to the next.  The only true end must be the reunification with God who created us.  True end must be accomplished by self improvement that eventually leading up to complete enlightenment very similar to what Augustine experienced in his illumination.  In other word, a soul’s goal is return to God, before he can do that, he keep spending time in eternal incarnation and reincarnation.


[My comment]:  Such finding matches Buddhist ideology completely.  Although Buddhism doesn’t emphasize soul concept, it recognizes the need for personal liberation to awaken ourselves to God.  Buddhism doesn’t even emphasize God concept, it never mentioned God in Buddhist scriptures.  But Buddhist emphasized meditation and voids self of all the selfish and ego desires to prepare for the final illumination to truth that is the state of Nirvana.  Basically, the only real difference between eastern philosophy and western philosophy such as Christianity is that the first only described the state of eternity and the latter name the same state as God, trying to make the state a human like form with the name God.  Obviously, that’s easy for regular people to comprehend.


His studies of human memory are intriguing.  He finds that the vastness of our memory is much more than we can grasp.  He further postulates that memory is actually infinite if our souls live infinitely.  That means, our body can die but souls move on with all the memory.  That explains why for a limited and short life, a man can have such a vastness of memory. 


He postulates that knowledge must be infinite as well, residing in the infinite memory.  Learning is simply remembering things already in memory.  We are actually not learning, but retrieving things already stored in vast memory, yet we don’t know it.  The pieces of these ideas are present somewhere far back in our memories.



Why we don’t remember all the things stored in vast memory of soul (please note he is not talking about flesh’s memory, but a memory that survives the death of flesh) ?  because just like rebirth, previous memory is temporarily blocked from us.


He also asks very interesting questions.  Why a man seeks happiness?  His answer is that a man must have known such happiness a long long time ago, even before this life time, eons ago when a man’s soul is still at union with God.  How else would a man want to seek happiness yet not experience it?  Augustine’s happiness is not flesh happiness like sex or material possession, but together with God happiness.  He said that we humans are from God, and once are together with God, so we know such happiness.  That explains our inherent desire to struggle our ways back to God.


Wickedness and evil or distance from God is due not to any mistake in God’s creation, but rather caused by a man’s lack of will to recognize God’s perfection.  Therefore, wickedness, evil or loneliness is not permanent nature, but a temporal nature of a confused soul.


In Book XI, he went into a study of time.


He asks when the true beginning of time is.  Although in the Book of Genesis they described that God “made” creation, Augustine argues that God did not make the heavens and the earth in a literal sense.  God did not do it like a human did, or like an architect did.  Augustine said that God did not create this universe in our universe all.  Because God is beyond space and time.  From a place that is not a place (space and time), our physical universe with space and time was born.


[My comment]:  From modern astrophysics and quantum physics, Augustine’s idea is proven to be correct.  Our universe was actually born from a Big Bang from who knows what.  Current physics theory seems to point to a fact that our space and time is not permanent, but will have an end.  Modern quantum physics further showed that the material is not as solid as we imagined.  Once scientists go deeper and deeper, all they can find is no physical item, but wave functions.  Everything becomes undeterminable in microscopic level.  Heisenberg’s famous quantum uncertainty principle is a big mystery.  Current physics is getting closer still to find that TIME may not be real at all, just like material and space may not be real at all.  Buddhism doesn’t acknowledge the existence of time in its ultimate state of enlightenment, neither does Augustine.


Augustine finally reached the conclusion that time is actually an illusion, a human feeling, rather than something real.  From spirituality, he explains that time is not a property of external world but rather of the soul itself.  Relating to memory, he said that when we appear to be measuring time as some property of the world, we are actually measuring something in our own memory.  Since the past does not truly exist, we can only be considering the images of the past times as they are now retained within us.  Therefore, it would seem that time is some property of the mind (or soul) itself.



Since time is temporal, God does not know time because God is eternal.  Human’s soul falls down from God therefore time seems real to human.  Time is actually a measure of how far we fall from grace.  We every human returns to God, we will be one with God in a timeless eternity.


[My comment]: Augustine has completely repelled the concept of time.  He emphasized that there is no past, no future, only eternal NOW.  This concept matches exactly to eastern philosophy such as China’s I Ching and India’s Buddhism.



SAINT AUGUSTINE是真正为人的,教庭其实为己。没有真正理解,其实是不想真正理解 -马力楠- 给 马力楠 发送悄悄话 马力楠 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2012 postreply 05:57:47



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