雨果的小说《悲惨世界》从1912年被拍成无声片以来,吸引了无数剧作家和电影人的注意。《悲惨世界》在1978年被改成同名音乐剧(法文版)。该剧首演于1980年,在法国轰动一时。有关此剧诞生的过程,有不少有趣的传说,在这里和读者略作分享。据说,法国的词作家Alan Boublil在在伦敦剧场观看由Charles Dickens(查尔斯8226;狄更斯)的小说《雾都孤儿》改编的音乐剧《Oliver!》的时候,当街头小偷Artful Dodger的形象出现这舞台上,Boublil开始走神了,不知怎么的,小说《悲惨世界》里伽弗洛什的形象和舞台上小扒手的形象重叠了。他的眼前同时还出现了小说里的其他人物——冉阿让、警长鲨威、幸运儿珂赛特、热血青年马吕斯,一个个在他眼前晃动。
于是,他找到了曲作者Claude-Michel Schonberg,(也是他的长期合作者),兴奋地谈论了自己的创念。早年的Schnberg酷爱音乐,但未能有机会接受专业音乐训练。靠着天资,他在酒吧和歌舞厅里练就一身流行音乐基本功,并且对普通听众的欣赏习惯和艺术品味了如指掌。渐渐地,流行音乐已经不能满足他的创作欲望,于是便向音乐剧领域发展。他和Boublil 在创作方向上一拍即合,开始了他们的合作之旅。
改编世界名著并非易事。在制作《悲惨世界》的过程中,同是好戏之人的Boublil和Schonberg抱着虔诚的心,到原著中去寻找故事中的“戏眼”和“戏喉”,经过频繁的交流,他们尝试性地录制了一个两小时的样本。没想到,这个录音样本一上市便卖出了26万份。1980年,他们找到法国的另一位词作家Jean Marc Natel填上了优美的法语歌词,第一个《悲惨世界》舞台版本于1980年9月在Palais des Sports上演,据说当时有幸欣赏此剧的法国观众达五十余万。不过,当时的非法语世界的音乐剧爱好者对此还一无所知。
一个雄伟的项目必须有一个成功的梯队才能完成。 由于有音乐剧“沙皇”之称 的Cameron Mackintosh的介入,才使得《悲惨世界》得以闻名于天下。这位很有经营头脑的的英国制作人竟然没有读过小说原著,脑子里仅有来自电影的模糊的故事框架。1982年,一位曾被《悲惨世界》剧打动的年轻导演将一张唱片交给了Mackintosh, 那富有感染力的音乐引起了这位英国制作人的兴趣,他很快地决定要将其搬上英语舞台。
富有经验的Mackintosh 召集了一班超级人马。他请来了诗歌戏剧界的评论家James Fenton做翻译,Trevor Nunn和John Caird任导演,还请了英国著名的词作家Herbert Kretzmer写英文版的歌词。对乐曲部分的处理有保留,也有创新和顺序上的重组。在这个音乐剧的创作过程中,创作者还请观众来看实验性演出,并安排人员专门记录观众情绪的变化程度,然后根据这计数据对剧目进行详细的修改。
最后提几个百听不厌的歌曲。花姐已经分享了年轻的革命者安灼拉和众学生唱的“Do You Hear the People Sing” (你可听见人民歌唱?)表达了不愿被奴役者的心声。每次听到这首歌的旋律都觉得震撼。还有芳汀的独唱《I dreamed a dream》如泣如诉,偶尔会在我耳边响起。
导演和编剧都很善于处理人物交叉关系,比如几乎所有剧中的重要角色的在“One Day More” 里,他们用了短短的六分钟里把所有主要角色的性格,和在血腥将至时不同的心态刻画得淋漓尽致。每个人都在等待,而他们各自期望着不同的东西:冉阿让的忧虑和矛盾心态,执法者鲨威等待着学生的流血和同情者的受惩罚,马吕斯在爱情和革命之间的彷徨,珂赛特对爱情依旧痴迷,不幸的少女爱潘妮深爱马吕斯,却为得不到爱情的回报而痛苦,小丑般的德纳第夫妇想乘乱捞一把的企图意见革命青年的勇敢和率真都在这首歌中得到完美的表现。
很欣赏该剧的结尾,弥留之际的冉阿让看见了逝去的天使般纯净的芳汀和爱潘妮。故人在白色灯光的笼罩下,唱出了和芳汀死时曲调一样的“Bring Him Home”。最后,幕后无伴奏的“Do You Hear the People Sing”的合唱轻轻响起,帷幕悄悄降落了。
One more day 视频
I dreamed a dream 视频
Les Miserables I Dreamed a Dream Lyrics:
There was a time, when men were kind
When their voices were soft
And their words were inviting
There was a time, when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time, then it all went wrong
I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high and life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
[ Find more Lyrics on www.mp3lyrics.org/bjI ]
No song unsung, no wine untasted
But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
As they turn your dream to shame
He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came
And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather
I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed
Lyrics: I Dreamed a Dream, Les Miserables
Bring him home 视频 (By Colm Wilkinson)
Cosette, it's turned so cold
Cosette, it's past your bedtime
You've played the day away
And soon it will be night.
Come to me, Cosette, the light is fading
Don't you see the evening star appearing?
Come to me, and rest against my shoulder
How fast the minutes fly away and every minute colder.
Hurry near, another day is dying
Don't you hear, the winter wind is crying?
There's a darkness which comes without a warning
But I will sing you lullabies and wake you in the morning.
[Valjean enters.]
Oh, Fantine, our time is running out
But Fantine, I swear this on my life
Look, M'sieur, where all the children play
Be at peace, be at peace evermore.
My Cosette...
Shall live in my protection
Take her now
Your child will want for nothing
Good M'sieur, you come from God in Heaven.
And none shall ever harm Cosette
As long as I am living.
Take my hand. The night grows ever colder.
Then I will keep you warm.
Take my child. I give her to your keeping.
Take shelter from the storm
For God's sake, please stay till I am sleeping
And tell Cosette I love her
And I'll see her when I wake...