
来源: 洁心 2009-01-23 11:40:32 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1443 bytes)

不过,我倒是读过几本受他思想影响的作家的书,譬如Eckhart Tolle和Deepak Chopra。

Eckhart Tolle 的 A New Earth里面可以看到Krishnamurti思想的影子,那本书里我印象最深刻的就是他说的inner purpose vs. outer purpose 还有being vs. doing. 很有禅的味道。


In his view, we each have our own particular beliefs, conclusions, and experiences, to which we cling, thereby isolating ourselves from others. Self centered activity is expressed outwardly as nationalism and religious intolerance, creating a world divided, in which we are willing to kill for the sake of belief. Understanding our relationship with the world crisis
is necessary to understand ourselves.

“The present crisis is different because we are dealing not with money, not with tangible things but with ideas. The crisis is in the field of thought, of ideas, of intellect. Before, evil was recognized as evil, murder was recognized as murder, but now murder is a means to achieve a noble result. You justify the wrong means through the intellect. When intellect has the upper hand in human life, it brings an unprecedented crisis. The other cause of this unprecedented crisis is the extraordinary importance man is giving to sensate values - to property, to name, to caste, to country."




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