
来源: 心存善念 2022-02-16 17:51:19 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1708 bytes)
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The movie’s most famous image of Will Hunting writing furiously on a blackboard is also based on a story from real life, as Damon revealed in his M.I.T. Commencement Address in 2016.
“One of the scenes in Good Will Hunting is actually based on something that happened to my brother Kyle. He was visiting a physicist we knew at M.I.T. and he was walking down the Infinite Corridor. He saw those blackboards that line the halls. So my brother, who is an artist, picked up some chalk and wrote an incredibly elaborate, totally fake version of an equation. And it was so cool and completely insane that no one erased it for months. This is a true story,” he said.


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