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回答: 【西方传教士与中国医学和教育 图片】弓尒2016-12-06 09:30:45



亨利·诺曼·白求恩[1]英语:Henry Norman Bethune,1890年3月4日-1939年11月)是一位加拿大著名胸外科医师、医疗创新者及人道主义者、共产党员。

Norman Bethune graduation 1922.jpg


File:Norman Bethune transfusion unit 1936.jpg


1937年7月30日,白求恩参加美国洛杉矶医疗局举行的欢迎“西班牙人民之友”宴会,遇到了中华全国各界救国联合会领导人之一的陶行知。陶行知向白求恩介绍了七七事变后中国的抗日战争形势,白求恩向陶行知表示:“如果需要,我愿意到中国去!” 白求恩就此事向加拿大共产党作了汇报,称“西班牙和中国都是同一场战争中的一部分”“中国比西班牙更加迫切需要医生”,“(白求恩)在西班牙的经验可以运用于中国的反法西斯战场”。1937年12月,受美共与加共的派遣,白求恩赴纽约接受国际援华委员会(由共产国际授意美共与加共推动组建,配合宋庆龄主持的保卫中国大同盟为援华抗日做募捐选传)资助组建了加美医疗队准备赴华从事战地医疗工作。

该医疗队的另外两人是:北温尼伯的圣约瑟夫医院外科手术医疗部的精通中文的加拿大籍女护士简·伊文(Jean Ewen,或译作琼·尤恩,中文名于青莲);临行前参加的美国外科医生帕森斯


























没有艺术上的专业培训,白求恩凭借频繁参观艺术馆,艺术圈朋友们的熏陶,阅读和自己的那点小聪明,很快学会了鉴别一件艺术品的优劣。在西伦敦医院工作时期,他了解到在西班牙和葡萄牙买到的廉价作品,很快能在伦敦卖到一个好价钱。他以此借钱经商,作为副业来支持自己在伦敦的社交生活和挥金如土的习惯 。[7]

File:Norman bethune.jpg  Related image

Jean Ewen (December 24, 1911 - 1987) was a Canadian nurse who worked with Chinese communist soldiers during the 1930s.

Related imageCanadian nurse Jean Ewen with American military observer Capt. Carlson.

Ewen was born in Scotland in 1911, but immigrated with her family to Canada as a child, where they settled inSaskatchewan. Ewen studied nursing in Winnipeg, graduating in 1931.[1] In 1932, she moved to China to work as a medical missionary with the Franciscan Fathers, and learned Mandarin. Following a brief return to Canada in 1937, Ewen accompanied Doctor Norman Bethune when he came to China to offer medical aid to the communist forces, serving as his interpreter and assistant.

Ewen came from a family of communist supporters, but she was opposed to mixing politics and medicine. In her memoirChina Nurse 1932–1939, she described the horrors of front-line surgery during the Second Sino-Japanese War. In addition to nursing the wounded, she trained nurses and "barefoot doctors" and taught sanitation, for which the Chinese government awarded her the Silver Shield.[2] Ewen eventually left China, travelling south to Hong Kong, and returned to Canada.

Shortly after her return, she married John Kozar, a friend of her two brothers when they served in the Spanish Civil War. They had two children, Laura and Tom (though Laura was conceived while Ewen was still in China, and was born just after Kozar and Ewen were married).[3] Kozar was killed when his ship was sunk in 1942, and Ewen subsequently married Mike Kovitch in 1946, with whom she had a third child, Michael.

China Nurse, Ewen's memoir, was published in 1981. In later editions, it was called Canadian Nurse in China. Ewen died in 1987, and her ashes were returned to China in 1988.[4]






某人在 “幸运狂徒白求恩”称:


“八路军派专人护送他去延安。大家高高兴兴去往"革命圣地"。让人没有料到的是,在等船渡黄河的时候,他跑掉了。白求恩真的跑掉了,但不是开小差。他的不见,源于两项"中国特产"的吸引:一是高粱米酒,二是乡村娼寮。大家苦苦寻找,没有结果,便求助于一位正在农村行医的加拿大牧师,他的名字叫罗明远(Robert McClure)。罗明远不负重托,很快就从一家娼寮中把白大医生架了回来。”


根据和白求恩一起到中国的护士兼翻译 琼.尤恩在1981年加拿大出版的自传的描写,她和白求恩1938年一月八日从温哥华坐船前往上海。在上海由史沫特莱安排到武汉。到武汉后与周恩来见面后,由他安排她和白求恩由楚同志带领一行三人前往延安。整个行程用了两个月左右,从武汉,汉阳,郑州,山西,西安,从每天都看到的难民和伤兵到日本飞机沿途不断的轰炸,从坐火车,货车,卡车,到马车。到在到延安前后遇到的朱德,李德,马海德等,她对所有的细节都有详细描写。


西锅提到的正在中国行医的加拿大牧师罗明远(Robert McClure),确有其人。但罗明远的书无法确认他何时遇到白大夫,而且罗明远只说到白喝酒,并没说白婊娼。在离开延安之后到晋察冀后,这时白求恩已是前呼后拥,至少有一个排的八路整天武装保护。说他失踪。很难自园其说。也不能排除罗明远为了吹自己而夸大自己的作用。




 Jean Ewen (1981). Canadian Nurse in China.

   By McClelland and Steward Limited.



琼.尤恩 (Jean Ewen)六、七岁的时候,母亲患病去世了。父亲是个贫苦的工人,1931年底因为读几本马克思的书的“煽动罪”而被捕、判五年监禁。尤恩到了十五、六岁时就离开学校,在一间洗衣店工作,后来在北温尼伯的圣约瑟夫医院学护理。








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Following bethune's footsteps

Roderick Stewart and wife Sharon visited Songyankou, at the foothills of Mountain Wutai in Shanxi province during a 2005 trip to China, where Bethune attempted to establish a "Model Hospital". Photos Provided to China Daily

Following bethune's footsteps


But for Canadian Roderick Stewart, an 80-year-old retired history teacher, Bethune is a neither a propaganda tool nor a godlike figure as some have depicted him.

"Bethune was a human being, who I can say has become my life," Stewart said.

Stewart has devoted more than 45 years of his life to studying Bethune, which has yielded five books that were published globally, including in China. The biography Phoenix: The Life of Norman Bethune by Stewart and wife Sharon is being adapted into a 3D movie by 3DIMP, and is set to be launched for an international audience in the coming months.

One of his Chinese friends Qi Ming, a professor at Bethune Military Medical College in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, said the moment he stepped into Stewart's house he was stunned by the study jammed with books about Bethune and letters Stewart received for research.

"Once I asked, you're not a communist nor a medical professional, so why are you so obsessed with him?" Qi said.

He simply replied, "how many Bethunes do we have in Canada? How many in the world? There is only one".

Stewart said that the prime characteristic of Bethune that attracted him was his tenacity, and his "unwillingness to give up, which came from a belief in himself".

"Like a terrier, a dog which grabs something and struggles mightily to resist any attempt to yank the object from its teeth," Stewart said.

Stewart is just like Bethune. He impressed Qi with his determination to find out every detail and fact. "We've been writing like one e-mail a day, as he checked through every detail he asked me about," Qi said.

The Mandarin-speaking writer also wrote some 5,000 words replying to China Daily's interview questions. For his book Phoenix, he located 77 rare photos and many precious documents, after talking to 300 people who were knew Bethune from all around the world.

The Stewarts have traveled to China five times to follow the footprints of the doctor, and to meet Bethune's former colleagues, patients and students, and even Bethune's "boss" when in China, Marshal Nie Rongzhen.

The first trip, in 1972, saw Stewart arrive in China several weeks after US president Richard Nixon's visit.

He got an invitation from the first Chinese ambassador to Canada Huang Hua in 1969. At the time Stewart was starting to get interested in Bethune, after showing his students (who knew Bethune as much as he did) a video in history class.

Following bethune's footsteps

"When I visited Shijiazhuang in April 1972, beasts of burden (camels, donkeys and horses) were much more commonly seen on the city streets than trucks," he said.

Fact-based presentation

Stewart's quest started at a time, in the depths of the Cold War, when many Canadians knew little about Bethune.

While in China, there were prevailing "ideologically-shaped Chinese descriptions of Bethune", he said.

With the goal of presenting a "fact-based biography to describe Bethune the man as a whole person", he returned in 1975 for more information, and later for longer stays as an English teacher in Chongqing in 1979 and Harbin, Heilongjiang province in 1983.

Stewart said his research had "a mountain of problems". But he had the fortune of the companionship of his wife Sharon, a skilled researcher and veteran editor.

"In our house our studies are side by side," Stewart said.

The couple was about to quit Bethune when they found a great deal of new material in different countries around 2000.

They obtained an unpublished autobiography of Henning Sorensen, Bethune's interpreter in Spain, and were offered by the daughter of Jean Ewen, the Canadian nurse who went to China with Bethune, the chance to read their mother's autobiography.

Degree of change

In 2005, accompanied by Bethune's former Chinese student Zhang Yesheng, the Stewarts arrived in China again to follow the doctor's footsteps throughout the former Jin-Cha-Ji border region in the 1930s.

"After an absence of 30 years. I was staggered by the degree of change," he said. "I never dreamed that such a revolutionary change could take place in my lifetime in China. Hao ji le (Mandarin for fabulous )!" he said.

Also changing is the Chinese perspective of Bethune. "Truth has begun to nudge aside ideological fairy tales," he said.

Cheng Xiaoming, Chinese publisher of Stewart's book, believes it's their lifelong work on Bethune that help form the shifts.

"The Stewarts are the first to picture Bethune as a man who has a temper and preferences,' Cheng said. "They offer new humane touches into the doctor's adventurous life."

Qi and Cheng regard Stewart's books highly because "they offer insight to Chinese society about why faith and professionalism, which Stewart's Bethune carried up to his death, can be decisive".

The Stewarts initiated a Sino-Hispanic-Canadian cultural cooperation project called "Bethune 2014", trying to make more people aware of Bethune's role.

"I have until now had a long and cordial relationship with the Chinese that goes back to my early youth," Stewart said.

He added that, as a child, he liked the Cantonese dishes a Chinese employee in his father's factory in Niagara Falls used to cook for him.

"I learned to use chopsticks before my teens; Sharon and I still buy food in Chinese supermarkets once a week."

"So my memories of China are deep, warm, and lasting," he said.


(China Daily USA 01/01/2015 page11)




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