勇敢地倾诉着万般的无奈, 竭力的撕杀与抗争,
( Rape of Europa )
Like so many of his late works, Titian's last painting, the Pietà, is a dramatic scene of suffering in a nocturnal setting. It was apparently intended for his own tomb chapel. 钉死于十字架上以后, 被抬回并安置在石洞里的耶稣。
The picture represents, over the background of a larger niche in Mannerist style, the Madonna supporting the body of Christ, with the help of a kneeling Nicodemus. The latter is probably a self-portrait of Titian, represented as if he saw his also upcoming death in the Christ's face[citation needed]. On the left, standing and forming an ideal triangle, is Mary Magdalene.
Diana and Callisto - being offered by the Duke of Sutherland to the National Galleries of Scotland and the National Gallery of London at £50million
这是他的另一类作品: 坦然而 rather 平静地表达着男女之间看似自然, 正常, 但却又充满着神秘的性诱惑力和杀伤力的相遇相逢

Diana and Actaeon is a painting by the Italian Renaissance master Titian, finished in 1556–1559, and is considered amongst Titian's greatest works. It portrays the moment in which the goddess Diana meets Actaeon. In 2008–2009, the National Gallery, London and National Gallery of Scotland successfully campaigned to acquire the painting from the Bridgewater Collection for £50m. As a result, Diana and Actaeon will remain on display in the UK, and will alternate between the two galleries on 5-year terms.
Diana and Actaeon refers to the myth in which the mortal Actaeon unwittingly sees the goddess Diana naked, and is punished for it.
以及对女性身体的赞美和对性意识的 arousing 唤醒, as if 男人变成了臣服于女人肌肤的一小疯人儿