【我要穿越】【在园中】【In the Garden】

本帖于 2023-08-31 05:52:39 时间, 由普通用户 天玉之 编辑

















天幕低垂 屋子里的人


一只猫头鹰降落到树梢上 巡视猎场




深夜 听到印第安人与英军的格斗

兔子 越来越少

菜园里的胡萝卜 生菜 葱郁茂盛



桃子 李子 葡萄 覆盆子 与玫瑰


经历了严寒地下的冬眠 它们不肯舍弃一滴雨水

清晨 露水洗面后 排着队向太阳求赏




在月亮喝醉了 出来放风的晚上


四肢骨骼 弹奏着钢琴爵士乐



思绪与感知 从海绵似的土壤里 

一点点 向上窜动 

随热气球升到空中 探出头 

浩渺的诗之水 从古到今 由东向西流淌

字里行间 闪烁着灵光



一首诗 在园中生长

它所需的 全部在此 包括某个重要缺席

出世的那一刻 河边传来土狼的嚎叫 

仿佛苦乐急剧混合时 引发的爆破








* 学习新超现实主义诗派手法,学写一首 ~



                 【In the Garden】




                    By Tian Yu Zhi




Everything in the garden is growing

As the twilight falls, people in the house

About to touch the red balloon floating 

In the sky of their dreams

An owl lands on the treetop, patrols its hunting ground




The fox by the river just had its cubs

Late at night, I heard Indians fighting with British troops

Fewer and fewer rabbits  are  seen, 

While the carrots and lettuce in the vegetable garden 

Remain lush and green




Peaches, plums, grapes, raspberries, and roses

Set up a feeding banquet at night

After a winter hibernation underneath cold ground, 

They are reluctant to waste any drops of rain.

After washing their faces with morning dew, 

They take turns to ask for a reward from the Sun




A dust in the garden, I myself, is growing

On the night when the moon was tipsy, I came out for fresh air

My heart inflated into a balloon, flied slowly, 

With my hair upright,

Limbs and bones playing jazz piano tunes 



Thoughts and perceptions, move up a little by little, 

From the spongy soil, Follow the hot air balloon, rise to the sky.

Sticking out their heads, they see

Vast water of poetry flows from east to west, 

From ancient times to present

Between the lines, shines the luminescence of souls



A poem grows in the garden

All it needs are present here, including an important absence.

At The moment of its birth, 

Came the howling of a coyote from the river bank, as if 

When bitterness and happiness are mixed together sharply,

The sound of blasting






                              2021.11.18 Translated



* Learned about the New Surrealism's poetry style, a practice exercise ~











除了古典音乐,我还喜欢听爵士乐,平时根据不同心情,用whole house audio system 播放 smooth jazz, cool jazz,jazz piano... 很是享受 ~~














