ballet dancers suffer from eating disorder and bulimia, do you k

来源: trinity36 2006-01-04 08:36:51 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1499 bytes)
Eating disorder is Anorexia Nervosa - The Most Deadly Mental Illness.

I cann't picture a woman who suffer from these disease have a cheerful and bright image. They definitely look sick and old.

The following words are from from Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity

Some eight million people, mostly women and mostly young, suffer from anorexia, in which they starve themselves, or from bulimia, in which they gorge and purge. According to a survey by the Mayo Clinic, the incidence of eating disorders has risen by 36 percent every five years since the 1950's.

Anorexia is particularly devastating; short of death, which can result from heart failure (which killed the singer Karen Carpenter at age 32 and the Boston ballerina Heidi Guenther at age 22), chronic starvation can cause severe osteoporosis, dangerously low blood pressure and damage to the kidneys and liver.

Erika Goodman, former dancer with the Joffrey Ballet, became crippled with osteoporosis in her early 50's after years of anorexia. Shown in the film at age 54 shuffling along with a walker, Ms. Goodman warns others against the hidden costs of chronic eating disorders.

The apparent precipitant of these disorders seems to be an overwhelming desire to be thin, thin enough to walk down a Paris fashion runway, to act in a Hollywood movie or to dance with a leading ballet company.


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